[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjg4LjA4MDhjOS5UV1Z5WTNWeWVTQkJZbWwwWVd3LC4w/sweetcorrection-roth.regular.png[/img] [img]GIF or image, whatever[/img] [@Morose] [/center][hr] Mercury didn’t mind the totall darkness, and if anything loved it. Made him feel safe like no one could hurt him. It also wasn’t so bad that Eddie was holding him gently in her hands taking care of him. He was semi aware, but wasn’t really able to move and was for the most part helpless. With his wounds now bandaged up Mercury was starting to do a hell of a lot better. So much so he actually began to move a bit. His eyes opened to the darkness, and then shut again to sleep more. The door began to slowly open, and a woman walked into the lab. But, she was lost in some files of lab results. This was the leading scientist in dark matter, and it’s affects on the world. She was here to run a few more tests. She still hadn’t noticed Edwina until she reached the desk. “Hello… You must be Edwina the assistant to doctor Afonso. I’m Tia Abela,” she reached a friendly hand out. "I am working with on some Dark matter based theories. I usually work down the hall or out in America."