[center][h1][color=336699]G A L E A Z U R E[/color][/h1] [/center] [color=8882be]"We are so proud of you Gale, I can't believe our little boy is going to become a Huntsmen, it felt like just yesterday we moved to vault."[/color] A woman with light blue hair was gushing over her young Huntsmen in training who stood across from her with a sheepish grin and a small blush crossing his cheeks and nose. [color=336699]"Aw shucks mom, you don't have to go and make me blush like that. But I will make you and dad proud and all of Vault too!"[/color] Gale responded with excitement and a slight bounce in his stance, he is so excited to finally go to Lustre Academy to become a full fledged huntsmen! Suddenly Gale was pulled into the hugging embrace of his mother, who when Gale look up to in confusion had a proud yet melancholy expression, [color=8882be]"I know you will dear, I know... But please be safe out there." [/color] Gale's mother said with a shaky voice, which left Gale confused and worried, he didn't understand the sudden change in his mother's voice and expression. But before he could respond with a question the intercom voiced that the last transport ship will be leaving soon which caused his mother to let him go while wiping a tear out of her eye and letting out a soft smile as she noticed Gale Perking up at the announcement but before he walked off he gave his mother a worried look which she quickly responded with [color=8882be]"Don't mind me Gale Darling, just a mother being a mother, go, go, you can't miss your first day at Lustre Academy."[/color] After hearing his mother telling him not to worry he gave her an excited smile which she responded back with a warm motherly smile, before he ran off to get onto the transport ship while waving his now smiling mother off. But once Gale was out of sight his mother's smile vanished and was in place replaced with a sad longingly express hoping that her son would change his mind and return to her but once the ship took off and he didn't returned she knew he has went down a path neither her nor her husband can follow, and that was a horrifying thing to go though, but she and her husband will always be there for him even if they can't help him. While on the ship Gale arrived just in time before the ship took off. Gale had a skip in his steps as he was just so excited to go to Lustre Academy and become a skilled and honorable Huntsmen, he was just giddy thinking about all the adventures he will go on with his follow students. Gale took a seat near a window on the ship, when he sat down his feet didn't even reach the ground since the seats were so high up but he didn't care about that he was just far too excited to think about the inconvenience of his shortness will cause him if every seat in Lustre Academy will be this tall. Gale studied each and every Huntsmen and Huntress in training as they arrived and took their seats, he was also kicking his legs as they hung over the seat a few inches off the ground freely, to most people he would looked like a lost child but his large weapon case next to him would prove otherwise.