[center][h3][color=99ccff]Edwina Fairfax[/color][/h3][img]http://media.tumblr.com/daf350623988c09e30299ae2d97e1106/tumblr_inline_mmd7y3pZcj1qz4rgp.gif[/img] [@Gilgex] [/center][hr][hr]Edwina shook her hand, smiling gracefully. [color=99ccff]"Colleague, actually. I'm doing my own research."[/color] Glancing at the woman, she couldn't help but feel a bit paranoid. Of course, she recognized Tia Abela. Her research was... Well, it was outstanding! The very best in its field! [i]She can't be working for some hit group, can she?[/i] Edwina pondered, shifting uncomfortably. Luckily, no one could see Mercury. The little bird was snoozing away on the counter, probably entirely unaware of the newcomer's presence. And of course, if Tia did try anything, Eddie had a nifty bunch of lasers, right behind her. Then there were the tubes of various elements, able to be broken and guaranteed to knock out anyone -- Eddie included, however. [color=99ccff]"So...Is there something you needed?"[/color] Eddie laughed awkwardly, shifting from side to side. [color=99ccff]"Scientist to scientist, that is..."[/color]