[center][h3][color=99ccff]Edwina Fairfax[/color][/h3][img]http://pa1.narvii.com/5705/fbd355e09f18e4b6489e4e606c02315b32505605_hq.gif[/img] [@Gilgex] [/center][hr][hr]Edwina nodded, letting her take the file. She scowled a bit about her comment on the ink. [color=99ccff]"I [i]told[/i] you, I'm [i]not[/i] his [i]fucking[/i] assistant," [/color]Eddie seethed. She stared Tia down as she left, almost purposefully taking a piece of paper to spread the bloody-ink around the table more. It was [i]her[/i] space, [i]her[/i] research. She didn't care whatever Afonso wanted. It wasn't his space. In her mind, he could go pound salt. Huffing, Edwina sat back in her chair, practicing directing light through the various tubes. The pleasing color arrangement calmed her down, from time to time. And of course, most of her mind was focused on keeping any light from touching the crow. She didn't know it, but it seemed to be actually working. [color=0E32CF][b]”Ow, who what? Uuuugh my head is pounding. Eddwina? You still there?“[/b][/color] [color=99ccff]"Yeah, yeah, I'm here,"[/color] Eddie explained. [color=99ccff]"I've made it so no light can touch you.... Thought that might help you heal better or something... You missed the annoying expert on dark matter."[/color] Eddie huffed a bit, continuing to pout in her chair. She was [i]no one's[/i] assistant. No one's.