[center][h1][u][b][color=#e600ac]Katsumi Kōchōha[/color][/b][/u][/h1] [h1][u][b][color=#e600ac]Egoist[/color][/b][/u][/h1] [img]http://static.zerochan.net/Gasai.Yuno.full.902931.jpg[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Outside Sentinel HQ In Paris -> Inside Sentinel HQ [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b][@smarty0114] Hollie[/center] [hr][hr] Katsumi stepped off the helicopter, holding her dress down as its chopper blade swept up the wind around it. Her trip here was a pleasant one, flown over by private jet from Japan to France before being transported with equally private helicopter to the Sentinel HQ, effectively letting her by pass any traffic that might have blocked her way (as well as any fans who had hoped to swarm her should she have taken a car). She didn't hate her fans, if anything it was the opposite, she loved them and was very grateful for them, but Katsumi realized that she also needed to be serious at times and be Katsumi instead of Egoist. Flanked a pair of burly tuxedoed bodyguard with stylish shades, Katsumi brought down her two rolling luggage bags and swung a black case over her shoulder. For a celebrity, she travelled surprisingly light by the standards of people like her. Then again, she had planned for additional things to be shipped over once things got settled down. [color=#e600ac]"You guys don't need to follow me from here on out."[/color] Katsumi politely waved her bodyguards away, [color=#e600ac]"Its not like you'll be able to protect me while I'm out in combat isn't it?"[/color] One of the suited men made a move to voice his concern but his companion quickly put a hand over his mouth. THe one sighed and in perfect time, they bowed and climbed back on to the helicopter, looking stoic as ever. Holding her dress down as the aircraft took off and flew in to the distance. Turning around, she was instantly greeted by an official-looking blonde lady, the tag on her shirt said her name was "Holle of Mission Coordination". [color=39b54a]"Hi!"[/color] Holle said in a cheery voice, [color=39b54a]"May I assume you're the pop-star named Egoist?"[/color] [color=#e600ac]"Oh, hmm, just call me Katsumi, Ms. Holle."[/color] Katsumi was taken slightly unaware but still managed to deliver a proper answer as well as a Japanese traditional bow, [color=#e600ac]"Quite the view up here."[/color] [color=39b54a]"I admit its something, shall we go inside?"[/color] Holle gestured towards an elevator right behind the two. [color=#e600ac]"My pleasure,"[/color] Katsumi gripped her baggage and began to follow the blonde woman, [color=#e600ac]"Lead the way."[/color]