[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjg4LjA4MDhjOS5UV1Z5WTNWeWVTQkJZbWwwWVd3LC4w/sweetcorrection-roth.regular.png[/img] [img]GIF or image, whatever[/img] [@Morose] [/center][hr] Mercury hopped over to Eddie now that he was able to see again. [color=0E32CF][b]” Tia Abela, Abela… Where do I know that name from.“[/b][/color] He tilted his head this was going to bother him for a while. When the gummy worm was offered he jumped on it fast, and swallowed it fast. [color=0E32CF][b]”More please! I ADORE sweets… Not only are they delicious they give me energy like no other food out there.“[/b][/color] Then proceeded to laugh, and then eyed one of the sodas. It was only when Eddie asked, [color=99ccff]"She isn't one of your enemies or anything, right?"[/color] That snapped him back to what he was thinking about previously. He hummed rubbing a wing thoughtfully under his chin. Then he all but squawked as he leapt into the air flapping his wings madly with panic. [color=0E32CF][b]”Now I remember! Abela was a drug kingpin I brutally slaughtered a two years ago. He swore a smart lady would avenge him, well at first that’s what I thought he said. He spoke spanish, and Tia in that language means lady.“[/b][/color] He leapt up onto Eddie’s shoulder as he couldn’t quite fly yet. They could already hear the pounding of running footsteps approaching the room. Mercury was trying to think of what to do. They were trapped like animals in a cage, as far as he knew. He went to the bag of gummy worms, and downed them fast. Then returned to humanoid form an hour or two had passed so he should’ve had enough energy to switch masks again. Quickly he grabbed the Warlord’s mask, but stopped as it zapped him making him cuss. The masks weren’t letting him switch yet. He had to think fast as they were getting closer. Then he had it quickly taking the form of one of the interns that he’d seen around he grabbed Eddie by the shoulder softly. [color=0E32CF][b]”Hide in the closet, and go invisible. That should be enough to confuse them, and make them go away so we can escape. Hurry.“[/b][/color] He then went about cleaning up all the mess of his blood, and the snacks. Wanting to make sure it looked like they left in a hurry.