Write-sama told me to throw this up since the deadline was soon. [hider=The following is a work in progress. The final project is subject to change.] Bang There was little change in the stoic young woman’s face as she casually wiped off the smattering of blood that had reached her cheeks. Blood was, after all, bad for her skin. The culprit of such vandalism lay crouched up against the corner, mouth still agape in horror as he’d watched his life’s work get snuffed out by the demon that now stood in front of him. He probably should’ve picked a different walk in life, but there was no longer any time for regrets. The what ifs were merely an illogical fantasy. “Alek, the task is complete. The Mistralian roaches have been eliminated, they won’t be entering our territory again.” There was no emotion in the woman’s voice, as she cooly held her phone with one hand and inspected her pistol with the other. It was a shame too, the blood was already crusting in Glazdrakona, it’d take some time to clean. Of course, it wasn’t nearly as bad as the time it’d take to clean up the rest of her mess, but that wasn’t exactly her concern. “Klahs,” came the sound of approval on the other end, the heavily accented voice marked a contrast to the woman’s emotionless report. Instead, the man seemed equal parts grateful and horrified at the speed by which the woman had accomplished her task. “I believe that’s all for today, no need to exert yourself any further-- “The logical course would be to eliminate the rest of the Dodici in our territory while we are on the attack.” “Uh, Ms. Volkov, you’ve already eliminated all their strongholds in our territory. I think we’ve sent a clear enough message.” “My mistake. I’ll take the time to rest and train then.” “Uh yes, oh before you do, it appears you have an incoming call not originating from one of our associates.” “Please inform my dear sister that I do not have time to put up with her qualms with my line of work yet again. The simple fact of the matter is that I inherited our father’s predisposition while she inherited from our mother.” “It’s not your sister. Call isn’t originating from her number.” “Odd, I’m not sure who else might have this number.” “Shall I patch you in then?” “Yes.” There was a brief buzz of static, as Aleks changed the line, before a markedly bubbly voice intruded about the quiet bliss the young woman was enjoying. “Heyyy, Nura!” The voice on the other end said brightly, with exactly the right level of faux-airheadedness to be instantly recognizable. It had toned itself down over the years, but at the end of the day, old habits died hard. And Kawaguchi Umeko was still Kawaguchi Umeko. “Been a while, Volkov. How’ve you been?” The voice was not one Nura could ever forget, although she'd never quite decided whether that was a good thing or not. Still, she did have to answer said voice, else it would never quiet down. "I've been well. Didn't I inform you that this number was for emergencies?" "Well, this is kind of an emergency. I need TSUN back together. It's urgent." "Understood," Nura responded, as she began making her way out of her carnage, "I'm heading to my transportation, inform me of the details." "It's a baby shower, Nura. Our worst mission yet." "What." "I'm having a kid." "This is an emergency. Who's the criminal behind this assault?" "Griese." Umeko answered, with what seemed like an implied roll of the eyes. "Gathering you lot to deal. Not dealing with a baby shower without the rest of you. You suffer with me." "Griese. You mean your boy toy from the tournament. I'm sorry but this mission sounds a bit out of my purview. I'll have to pass." "Tough. You're the N in TSUN. There was an implied contract." "Why are you guys worse than the brotherhood? Even they can't coerce me." "Because we knew you longer, and we're for life." "How exactly does one even baby shower?" "It's a party, Nura. Baby celebration. All that pretty, fun, shiny shit." "I see...." The young woman paused for a moment, trying to figure out the best possible approach to the predicament she now found herself in. She truly did wish there were more Mistralian scum crawling around the building, it would've given her a handy reason to hang up. But instead she was forced to answer the predicament before her, not a situation she ever liked being in. "So do I need to dress up? Or bring offerings for the child?" "The latter is generally the case, the former I don't care about. Nor do I care that much about the latter. If you show up without me having to physically fly to Vacuo and kidnap you, then I'll consider it a success." "I'm actually in--, never mind. Well I shall see about acquiring something for the child. Do you perchance know what they desire?" An inaudible snicker echoed over the line, coupled with something incomprehensible over the phone's speaker. "Am I on speakerphone?" "Griese, get off the other fucking landline." "Rooooooooom service! Hey, Nura, long time no standoff. How's the bitch face?" "Do you wish for me to destroy those gloves once more? You and I both know that isn't hard for me." "Ladies, ladies, calm. Griese, off the fucking landline. Volkov, no kill orders." "I don't have that power yet. Still working through the ranks." "It's the 'yet' that concerns me, babe." "No need to worry, I'd see to it personally." "Hey, are you in Atlas? I hear airships. We should have a brew!" "Can we focus?" "I am focused, focused on how best to execute the villain." "Ye, ye, very empowerin', lass. Where in Atlas are you? Could you put a bullet in Morgan's office if you wanted? Just the one, only to scare 'im. If you could hit his turtle I'll name ye godmother.' "I'd much prefer such a worthless title be bestowed to Silver, she's far more capable, plus she'd never even need to show up." "Who?" "She has that impression people. Surprisingly forgettable." "I'm goin' lookin' for a yearbook. Have fun, babe. So long, Nura, don't wear yer Dust body condom too toight." "You do that, Griese, the adults are talking." "Make sure to check under N for Never. Anyway, what exactly did you require of me again?" "Attendance, gift preferred but not strictly mandatory. I'll send the event details to your Scroll. You've got my number if you need me." "I don't have a scroll anymore. Too much of a liability. Send a voice memo to this number, they'll make sure I receive the information." "I'm not going to ask who they are. I don't feel like knowing. But yeah, I'll do that. Take care, Volkov, I'll see you soon." "You too Kawaguchi. It was nice(?) talking to you." "You too. I gotta go, I think I heard something heavy drop upstairs. Chaos is about to unfold. Gotta curb it. See you soon." A soft click heralded the departure of Kawaguchi's voice, but not before a distant "GRIEEEEE-" began. "Sure as shit wasn't the Shade yearbook. Thing looks like a fifth grade social studies brochure." A faint giggle before the sound of rampaging footsteps echoed over Griese's speakerphone. "Gotta fly, lass. TTFN!" Another click, but not before a faint "Careful now, I'll punch you, whether yer carryin' the Holy Ghost or no--" "TTFN?" The woman’s voice was left confused in the now silent call. “TTFN, or ta ta for now.” “Sorry?” “You asked of the meaning of TTFN,” the man responded, it appeared Aleks had returned to the line, “It means ta ta for now.” “I see. Were you listening the whole time?” “Apologies Ms. Volkov, I was simply worried that the call may have originated from an unknown threat. You seemed surprised at the concept that someone else might possess this number. I take it these were friends of yours?” While not something that could be heard, Nura could’ve sworn that the voice on the other land was biting back a grin. “I suppose that is a term that could be applied. I’ll have to take some personal time.” “Not a problem, we’ve taken care of the threat for now. Take as much time as you need. I’ll talk to you later-” “Hold on a moment Aleks,” Nura interjected. “What exactly does one procure for an infant as a part of a baby shower?” “Uh well, just baby gifts I guess. Stuff for the room, or toys, y’know basic stuff. Can’t say I’ve too much experience. Is there anything else I can help you with Ms. Volkov?” “No, no. I suppose I’ll just call my sister for now. As much as I dread the concept, she is uniquely suited for such things.” ... The young woman now found herself in front of one of Atlas’ premier department store. She wasn’t entirely sure if such a place provided the proper outlet for receiving the goods she desired, but it was the one discernable piece of information she had been able to glean from her sister. Everything else about the thought counting, the gift coming from the heart, and incessant congratulations on Umeko’s behalf had been nothing more than noise to the young woman’s ears. Equally annoying was the second half of her conversation, where her sister once more tried to convince Nura to return home and abandon the brotherhood. As always, her older Huntress sister, had qualms with the lifestyle the young woman had chosen. She even went as far to suggest some manner of destiny was at play due to Umeko contacting her again. As if it was logical to presume a temporary reunion meant anything permanent. Worthless dribble. However here was, standing in front of a department store in clothes that felt alien now. Sure Al-Zalzalah was underneath but the shirt, pants, and especially a jacket she wore now felt almost alien. Aleks and her sister had both agreed that Nura’s standard clothing was far too worn at this point, let alone the damage imparted by her day job, to be allowed in any public setting. Thus she was now wearing clothes Umeko had shipped her after a modeling gig, according to the girl, apparently she felt the white hues were more Nura’s style. And of course, Nura’s sister had hung on to the shipment eagerly waiting for a day Nura might need them. At least she still had her hair pin on, not that she was particularly attached to that object of clothing either. It was just useful for keeping her hair in place, it was simply regrettable her sister had given it to her. She did say I didn’t need to buy anything, but that was most likely out of politeness. With a sigh, the young woman opened the doors of the building in an attempt to quickly put an end to this suffering. The sight of the inside did little to appease her confusion, but at least they possessed a section for children. Now the difficult part was to determine what gift would work. Honestly Nura would have found the most satisfactory gift to simply be a weapon of some sort, but she was also worried that such a device might carry the implication that she expected the child to grow up in a time of conflict. Of course logically that was the most likely outcome, but past experiences had told her such logic wasn’t likely to fly. Besides there was also the risk that giving a child a weapon could lead to unforeseen consequences if he had access without supervision. Yet the store offered little in the way of guidance. Even in the infant section of Stacy’s, the young women found herself barraged by an infinite selection. On the one hand there were many a gifts related to literal baby showering, but Nura feared that such a present might imply that she feared the child would be unhygienic. Toys were another beast entirely, aside from the fear that the child may not share her taste in recreational figures, the wrong toy could also carry with it implications that Nura wished to avoid. After all what if Umeko felt that a teddy bear was too violent a creature to be associated with a young infant. Bears were after all fearsome beasts, the last one Nura had fought nearly killed her comrade. Objects for the house were also far too instigating. They carried with them the implication that Nura knew best how to decorate Umeko’s home, and that was most definitely not a misunderstanding that she wished to impart upon her former teammate. After all, it was Umeko that possessed a sense of style, not Nura. Which also threw out options of gathering clothes, for how could the young women dare to presume more knowledge than a model. “Can I help you miss?” A lighter voice intruded upon the young women’s thoughts, as the fromer Huntress turned to face one of the stores many employees: a young lady, likely around Nura’s own age. “You seem a bit displeased.” “No, I am not displeased.” Of course the continuing scowl and flat tone of voice did little to disavow the Stacy’s employees assumption. “Right, my mistake. Well is there anyway I can assist you?” “Yes a friend,” the word still felt alien to the young woman's tongue, “is having a shower for her child. I need to procure some for the child.” “Ooh a baby shower. Yes we have plenty of gifts for such an occasion. Did you have something in mind?” “No.” “I see…” the employee was obviously a little surprised by such an answer, but to her credit she quickly recovered. “Well is it a boy or girl?” “I’m not sure.” “Uh…, well no matter.” the employee responded with an irritating grin and obviously faked laugh, “I’m sure we can figure something out. Follow me, I think I have just the thing.” … A short while later Nura found herself exiting the store with a brand new BUPLO Rob the Constructor set. According to the sales woman, such toys were perfect for any age and any gender. For her part Nura was a bit concerned that such a toy might imply that Nura felt Umeko’s child was best suited for a life in construction, but for now she’d trust the judgement of the masses. It was logical to presume they had more experience than her afterall. The ringing of the old flip phone in her pocket jarred Nura out of such reflections, as she reluctantly picked up a phone call that could only mean be bad news. The East Atlesian Bratva never called for any other reason, at least not on this phone. “Hey Ms. Volkov, I’m really sorry,” Not a great way for a call to begin. “I know this is one of your personal days and all, what with a baby shower and everything.” “Get to the point Aleks.” “Unfortunately it seems you did a mighty fine job of pissing off the Dodici, I’m hearing scattered reports that they’ve put out a hit on you. Now, seeing as I’ve done a pretty good job of keeping you hidden, I’m not particularly worried they’ll find you soon, but still, stay on guard.” “As long as the assassin doesn’t interfere with my plans for tomorrow, there won’t be a problem.” “Right, I’ll do my best Ms. Volkov.” “To do any less would either be illogical or malicious. Neither is something I expect from you.” There was a slight chuckle on the other end before the line clicked and Nura was left once more in the silence she greatly enjoyed. The timing of the entire ordeal was most certainly less than ideal, leave it to Kawaguchi to pick such a perfect time for her baby party. Still, if Aleks was to be believed, Nura doubted the hit would make any difference within the next few days. It was unlikely… To be continued… [/hider] [hider=The Seasons: Cycles of birth and violence. (It's too early in the morning to come up with a title.)] [hider=OST] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pByceAzSjqw[/youtube] [/hider] Bang There was little change in the stoic young woman’s face as she casually wiped off the smattering of blood that had reached her cheeks. Blood was after all, bad for her skin. The culprit of such vandalism lay crouched up against the corner, mouth still agape in horror as he’d watched his life’s work get snuffed out by the demon that now stood in front of him. He probably should’ve picked a different walk in life but there was no longer any time for regrets. The what ifs were merely an illogical fantasy. “[color=fffff0]Aleks, the task is complete. The Mistralian roaches have been eliminated, they won’t be entering our territory again.[/color]” There was no emotion in the woman’s voice as she cooly held her phone with one hand and inspected her pistol with the other. It was a shame too, the blood was already crusting in [i]Glazdrakona[/i], it’d take some time to clean. Of course, it wasn’t nearly as bad as the time it’d take to clean up the rest of her mess, but that wasn’t exactly her concern. “[color=8dc73f]Klahs,[/color]” came the sound of approval on the other end, the heavily accented voice marked a contrast to the woman’s emotionless report. Instead, the man seemed equal parts grateful and horrified at the speed by which the woman had accomplished her task. “[color=8dc73f]I believe that’s all for today, no need to exert yourself any further--[/color]" “[color=fffff0]The logical course would be to eliminate the rest of the Dodici in our territory while we are on the attack.[/color]” “[color=8dc73f]Uh, Ms. Volkov, you’ve already eliminated all their strongholds in our territory. I think we’ve sent a clear enough message.[/color]” “[color=fffff0]My mistake. I’ll take the time to rest and train then.[/color]” “[color=8dc73f]Uh yes, oh before you do, it appears you have an incoming call not originating from one of our associates.[/color]” “[color=fffff0]Please inform my dear sister that I do not have time to put up with her qualms with my line of work yet again. The simple fact of the matter is that I inherited our father’s predisposition while she inherited from our mother.[/color]” “[color=8dc73f]It is not your sister. Call is not originating from her number.[/color]” “[color=fffff0]Odd, I’m not sure who else might have this number.[/color]” “[color=8dc73f]Shall I patch you in then?[/color]” “[color=fffff0]Yes.[/color]” There was a brief buzz of static as Aleks changed the line, before a markedly bubbly voice intruded about the quiet bliss the young woman was enjoying. “[color=6ecff6]Heyyy, Nura![/color]” The voice on the other end said brightly, with exactly the right level of faux-airheadedness to be instantly recognizable. It had toned itself down over the years, but at the end of the day, old habits died hard. And Kawaguchi Umeko was still Kawaguchi Umeko. “[color=6ecff6]Been a while, Volkov. How’ve you been?[/color]” The voice was not one Nura could ever forget, although she'd never quite decided whether that was a good thing or not. Still, she did have to answer said voice, else it would never quiet down. "[color=fffff0]I've been well. Didn't I inform you that this number was for emergencies?[/color]" "[color=6ecff6]Well, this is kind of an emergency. I need TSUN back together. It's urgent.[/color]" "[color=fffff0]Understood,[/color]" Nura responded, as she began making her way out of her carnage, "[color=fffff0]I'm heading to my transportation, inform me of the details.[/color]" "[color=6ecff6]It's a baby shower, Nura. Our worst mission yet.[/color]" "[color=fffff0]What.[/color]" "[color=6ecff6]I'm having a kid.[/color]" "[color=fffff0]This is an emergency. Who's the criminal behind this assault?[/color]" "[color=6ecff6]Griese.[/color]" Umeko answered, with what seemed like an implied roll of the eyes. "[color=6ecff6]Gathering you lot to deal. Not dealing with a baby shower without the rest of you. You suffer with me.[/color]" "[color=fffff0]Griese. You mean your boy toy from the tournament. I'm sorry but this mission sounds a bit out of my purview. I'll have to pass.[/color]" "[color=6ecff6]Tough. You're the N in TSUN. There was an implied contract.[/color]" "[color=fffff0]I fail to understand how you guys are worse than the brotherhood. Even they can't coerce me.[/color]" "[color=6ecff6]Because we knew you longer, and we're for life.[/color]" "[color=fffff0]How exactly does one even baby shower?[/color]" "[color=6ecff6]It's a party, Nura. Baby celebration. All that pretty, fun, shiny shit.[/color]" "[color=fffff0]I see....[/color]" The young woman paused for a moment, trying to figure out the best possible approach to the predicament she now found herself in. She truly did wish there were more Mistralian scum crawling around the building, it would've given her a handy reason to hang up. But instead she was forced to answer the predicament before her, not a situation she ever liked being in. "[color=fffff0]So do I need to dress up? Or bring offerings for the child?[/color]" "[color=6ecff6]The latter is generally the case, the former I don't care about. Nor do I care that much about the latter. If you show up without me having to physically fly to Vacuo and kidnap you, then I'll consider it a success.[/color]" "[color=fffff0]I'm actually in--, never mind. Well I shall see about acquiring something for the child. Do you perchance know what they desire?[/color]" An inaudible snicker echoed over the line, coupled with something incomprehensible over the phone's speaker. "[color=fffff0]Am I on speakerphone?[/color]" "[color=6ecff6]Griese, get off the other fucking landline.[/color]" "[color=0072bc]Rooooooooom service! Hey, Nura, long time no standoff. How's the bitch face?[/color]" "[color=fffff0]Do you wish for me to destroy those gloves once more? You and I both know that isn't hard for me.[/color]" "[color=6ecff6]Ladies, ladies, calm. Griese, off the fucking landline. Volkov, no kill orders.[/color]" "[color=fffff0]I don't have that power yet. Still working through the ranks.[/color]" "[color=6ecff6]It's the 'yet' that concerns me, babe.[/color]" "[color=fffff0]No need for concern, I'd see to it personally.[/color]" "[color=0072bc]Hey, are you in Atlas? I hear airships. We should have a brew![/color]" "[color=6ecff6]Can we focus?[/color]" "[color=fffff0]I am focused, focused on how best to execute the villain.[/color]" "[color=0072bc]Ye, ye, very empowerin', lass. Where in Atlas are you? Could you put a bullet in Morgan's office if you wanted? Just the one, only to scare 'im. If you could hit his turtle I'll name ye godmother.[/color]" "[color=fffff0]I'd much prefer such a worthless title be bestowed to Silver, she's far more capable, plus she'd never even need to show up.[/color]" "[color=0072bc]Who?[/color]" "[color=fffff0]She has that impression people. Surprisingly forgettable.[/color]" "[color=0072bc]I'm goin' lookin' for a yearbook. Have fun, babe. So long, Nura, don't wear yer Dust body condom too toight.[/color]" "[color=6ecff6]You do that, Griese, the adults are talking.[/color]" "[color=fffff0]Make sure to check under N for Never. Anyway, what exactly did you require of me again?[/color]" "[color=6ecff6]Attendance, gift preferred but not strictly mandatory. I'll send the event details to your Scroll. You've got my number if you need me.[/color]" "[color=fffff0]I don't have a scroll anymore. Too much of a liability. Send a voice memo to this number, they'll make sure I receive the information.[/color]" "[color=6ecff6]I'm not going to ask who they are. I don't feel like knowing. But yeah, I'll do that. Take care, Volkov, I'll see you soon.[/color]" "[color=fffff0]You too Kawaguchi. It was nice(?) talking to you.[/color]" "[color=6ecff6]You too. I gotta go, I think I heard something heavy drop upstairs. Chaos is about to unfold. Gotta curb it. See you soon.[/color]" A soft click heralded the departure of Kawaguchi's voice, but not before a distant "[color=6ecff6]GRIEEEEE-[/color]" began. "[color=0072bc]Sure as shit wasn't the Shade yearbook. Thing looks like a fifth grade social studies brochure.[/color]" A faint giggle before the sound of rampaging footsteps echoed over Griese's speakerphone. "[color=0072bc]Gotta fly, lass. TTFN![/color]" Another click, but not before a faint "[color=0072bc]Careful now, I'll punch you, whether yer carryin' the Holy Ghost or no--[/color]" "[color=fffff0]TTFN?[/color]" The woman’s voice was left confused in the now silent call. “[color=8dc73f]TTFN, or ta ta for now.[/color]” “[color=fffff0]Sorry?[/color]” “[color=8dc73f]You asked of the meaning of TTFN,[/color]” the man responded, it appeared Aleks had returned to the line, “[color=8dc73f]It means ta ta for now.[/color]” “[color=fffff0]I see. Were you listening the whole time?[/color]” “[color=8dc73f]Apologies Ms. Volkov, I was simply worried that the call may have originated from an unknown threat. You seemed surprised at the concept that someone else might possess this number. I take it these were friends of yours?[/color]” While not something that could be heard, Nura could’ve sworn that the voice on the other land was biting back a grin. “[color=fffff0]I suppose that is a term that could be applied. I’ll have to take some personal time.[/color]” “[color=8dc73f]Not a problem, we’ve taken care of the threat for now. Take as much time as you need. I’ll talk to you later-[/color]” “[color=fffff0]Hold on a moment Aleks,[/color]” Nura interjected. “[color=fffff0]What exactly does one procure for an infant as a part of a baby shower?[/color]” “[color=8dc73f]Uh well, just baby gifts I guess. Stuff for the room, or toys, you know basic stuff. Can’t say I’ve too much experience. Is there anything else I can help you with Ms. Volkov?[/color]” “[color=fffff0]No, no. I suppose I’ll just call my sister for now. As much as I dread the concept, she is uniquely suited for such things.[/color]” ... The young woman now found herself in front of one of Atlas’ premier department store. She wasn’t entirely sure if such a place provided the proper outlet for receiving the goods she desired, but it was the one discernable piece of information she had been able to glean from her sister. Everything else about the thought counting, the gift coming from the heart, and incessant congratulations on Umeko’s behalf had been nothing more than noise to the young woman’s ears. Equally annoying was the second half of her conversation, where her sister once more tried to convince Nura to return home and abandon the brotherhood. As always, her older Huntress sister had qualms with the lifestyle the young woman had chosen. She even went as far to suggest some manner of destiny was at play due to Umeko contacting her again. As if it was logical to presume a temporary reunion meant anything permanent. Worthless dribble. However here was, standing in front of a department store in clothes that felt alien now. Sure [i]Al-Zalzalah[/i] was underneath but the shirt, pants, and especially the jacket she wore now felt almost alien. Aleks and her sister had both agreed that Nura’s standard clothing was far too worn at this point, let alone the damage imparted by her day job, to be allowed in any public setting. Thus she was now wearing clothes Umeko had shipped her after a modeling gig. According to the girl, apparently the white hues were more Nura’s style than hers. It was rather ironic that a girl decked in blue operated a weapon known as the White Devil. And of course, Nura’s sister had hung on to the shipment eagerly waiting for a day Nura might need them. At least she still had her hair pin on, not that she was particularly attached to that object of clothing either. It was just useful for keeping her hair in place, it was simply regrettable her sister had given it to her. [i]She did say I didn’t need to buy anything, but that was most likely out of politeness.[/i] With a sigh, the young woman opened the doors of the building in an attempt to quickly put an end to this suffering. The sight of the inside did little to appease her confusion, but at least they possessed a section for children. Now the difficult part was to determine what gift would work. Honestly Nura would have found the most satisfactory gift to simply be a weapon of some sort, but she was also worried that such a device might carry the implication that she expected the child to grow up in a time of conflict. Of course logically that was the most likely outcome, but past experiences had told her such logic wasn’t likely to fly. Besides there was also the risk that giving a child a weapon could lead to unforeseen consequences if he had access without supervision. Yet the store offered little in the way of guidance. Even in the infant section of Stacy’s, the young women found herself barraged by an infinite selection. On the one hand there were many a gifts related to literal baby showering, but Nura feared that such a present might imply that she feared the child would be unhygienic. Toys were another beast entirely, aside from the fear that the child may not share her taste in recreational figures, the wrong toy could also carry with it implications that Nura wished to avoid. After all what if Umeko felt that a teddy bear was too violent a creature to be associated with a young infant. Bears were after all fearsome beasts, the last one Nura had fought nearly killed her comrade. Objects for the house were also far too instigating. They carried with them the implication that Nura knew best how to decorate Umeko’s home, and that was most definitely not a misunderstanding that she wished to impart upon her former teammate. After all, it was Umeko that possessed a sense of style, not Nura. Which also threw out options of gathering clothes, for how could the young women dare to presume more knowledge than a model. “Can I help you miss?” A lighter voice intruded upon the young women’s thoughts, as the former Huntress turned to face one of the stores many employees: a young lady, likely around Nura’s own age. “You seem a bit displeased.” “[color=fffff0]No, I am not displeased.[/color]” Of course the continuing scowl and flat tone of voice did little to disavow the Stacy’s employee’s assumption. “Right, my mistake. Well is there anyway I can assist you?” “[color=fffff0]Yes a [i]friend,[/i][/color]” the word still felt alien to the young woman's tongue, “[color=fffff0]is having a shower for her child. I need to procure something for the child.[/color]” “Ooh a baby shower. Yes we have plenty of gifts for such an occasion. Did you have something in mind?” “[color=fffff0]No.[/color]” Came the flat response. “I see…” the employee was obviously a little surprised by such an answer, but to her credit she quickly recovered. “Well is it a boy or girl?” “[color=fffff0]I’m not sure.[/color]” “Uh…, well no matter.” the employee responded with an irritating grin and obviously faked laugh, why people performed such actions baffled Nura, “I’m sure we can figure something out. Follow me, I think I have just the thing.” … A short while later Nura found herself exiting the store with a brand new BUPLO Rob the Constructor set. According to the sales woman such toys were perfect for any age and any gender. For her part Nura was a bit concerned that such a toy might imply that Nura felt Kawaguchi’s child was best suited for a life in construction, but for now she’d trust the judgement of the masses. It was logical to presume they had more experience than her afterall. The ringing of the old flip phone in her pocket jarred Nura out of such reflections, as she reluctantly picked up a phone call that could only mean be bad news. The East Atlesian Bratva never called for any other reason, at least not on this phone. “[color=8dc73f]Hello Ms. Volkov, I’m really sorry,[/color]” Not a great way for a call to begin. “[color=8dc73f]I know this is one of your personal days and all, what with a baby shower and everything.[/color]” “[color=fffff0]Get to the point Aleks.” [/color] “[color=8dc73f]Unfortunately it seems you did a mighty fine job of pissing off the Dodici, I’m hearing scattered reports that they’ve put out a hit on you. Now, seeing as I’ve done a pretty good job of keeping you hidden, I’m not particularly worried they’ll find you soon, but still, stay on guard.[/color]” “[color=fffff0]As long as the assassin doesn’t interfere with my plans for tomorrow, there won’t be a problem.[/color]” “[color=8dc73f]Right, I’ll do my best Ms. Volkov.[/color]” “[color=fffff0]To do any less would either be illogical or malicious. Neither is something I expect from you.[/color]” There was a slight chuckle on the other end before the line clicked and Nura was left once more in the silence she greatly coveted. The timing of the entire ordeal was most certainly less than ideal, leave it to Kawaguchi to pick such a perfect time for her baby party. Still, if Aleks was to be believed, Nura doubted the hit would make any difference within the next few days. Ideally Nura would be able to attend to Kawaguchi’s needs and move on with her life. The assassin was a nuisance for another day. Still she had to wonder which Dodici member thought it was a good idea to continue this quarrel with her, they should’ve realized it was futile waste of resources. After suffering such setbacks the logical approach would be to waste no more time on their foolish endeavours and instead focus on regrouping and rebuilding. Humans really did let petty emotions like revenge sway them far too often. A buzzing of the phone however roused Nura from her thoughts and back into her present surroundings. The young woman spared a single glance at the contact name before letting out an audible sigh to accompany her hardened scowl. Evidently Aleks had seen fit to route his sister’s call to her phone again. Mentally she resolved to share some choice words with the man later, but for now she’d have to face the music. “[color=fffff0]What do you want sister?[/color]” “[color=f7941d]Hey, just wondering what you picked out for Kawaguchi. Also did you give her my congrats yet? It’s great to see her all grown up, unlike a certain someone I know.[/color]” “[color=fffff0]I fail to see how any of this is your concern.[/color]” “[color=f7941d]Weren’t you the one who came to me about picking out a gift?[/color]” “[color=fffff0]Shut up.[/color]” The normally stoic girl’s composure was quickly lost as the conversation dragged on. “[color=f7941d]Is that anyway to treat your big sister?[/color]” … An excruciating few hours later, Nura found herself finally in her apartment. It was a temporary fixture, simply a safehouse the brotherhood had seen fit for her to use, but it was a home of sorts for now. All Nura really cared for was the comfortable bed that awaited her and the chance to finally have some rest after an excruciatingly difficult day. Honestly she’d rather have fought off more Dodici scum than navigate the minefields that accompanied appeasing Kawaguchi. A crash in the floor below her quickly made Nura regret her decision to think such thoughts. Not that it was logical to presume simply thinking such a thing made it true, but she still had a right to be irked that she had thought such a fallacious thing. Yet despite these rapid fire thoughts racing through head, Nura wasted no time in flipping out of the comforts of her bed and grabbing [i]Glazdrakona[/i] and [i]Rozhdeniya[/i] from the counter next to her. If there was any consolation to be had from the suddenness of her current situation, Nura was at least grateful that she had yet to change out of [i]Al-Zalzalah[/i]. Thus with a slight whisper, Nura found herself ready in her battle wear. And no sooner had she fully armed herself did Nura kick over the nearby table to provide a makeshift wall of cover in hopes of staving off whatever enemy was rapidly approaching her door. Did she say door? Well, it was now simply a hole where the door used to be, as the assassin had seen to fit to simply kick it all the way off its hinges and straight at the table Nura had taken shelter behind. Thankfully the table appeared to be made of sturdier stuff than the door, and thus Nura wasn’t really affected by the rather showy entrance. That didn’t however mean that she failed to immediately take action by firing a barrage of bullets at the hole where her door used to be. Unfortunately the sound of metal against metal quickly stole away any hopes of an quick victory, and a quick peek over her makeshift cover quickly revealed that Nura had the pleasure of facing a sword and shield user. The man was also significantly larger than Nura and it was unlikely she’d win in a contest of strength. Yet by the same token Nura was quite confident she could win in a game of speed. Not to mention while the man may have possessed only an average length sword, that massive shield he was lugging around would no doubt take time to get into position. A gameplan already formulating in Nura’s head, the young woman quickled kicked her table at her new opponent to serve as a smokescreen for her upcoming assault. The man for his part wasted no time in cutting the table clean in half and, as Nura was quick to note, leave ice to form on the two halves of what was once a functioning table. It was evident that Nura was facing some sort of dust weapon, now the only question was what sort of semblance the man possessed. However before she acquired such information, the distraction provided by Nura’s table kicking provided her the opening needed to land in front of her assailant and carry the momentum forward with a kick right at her opponent’s chest. A kick further enhanced by the seismic properties of [i]Al-Zalzalah[/i]. Yet before she could even bring her body around for it’s next attack, a sudden bash with the shield sent Nura flying right back into the bed she had given up on moments prior. Truth be told the young woman was a bit taken aback, it’d been a long time since she’d had the wind knocked out of her. Something, and she wasn’t quite sure what yet, was most definitely off about the entire situation. However her opponent wasn’t about to give her a chance to recover as a sword slash quickly came down towards Nura’s face and for once the woman wasn’t quite recovered enough to dodge, and thus blocking them with her daggers was the best she could manage. The new coating of ice they were quickly acquiring continued to exacerbate the predicament and best solution Nura could surmise was to change up the playing field. Thus with a simple stomp the power of [i]Al-Zalzalah[/i] took out the floor beneath the two of them and gave Nura just enough time to find her footing as she rolled away from her adversary upon crashing on the bottom floor. Now possessing a little bit of breathing room, the young woman utilized [i]Glazdrakona[/i] for some cover fire, as she used her other hand to reach for her phone and quickly press her one speed dial key. The man on the other end of the phone however was less than pleased. “[color=8dc73f]Ms. Volkov,[/color]” came the yawn, “[color=8dc73f]You do realize how terrible of an hour this is. A man simply must get some rest, in these turbulent times it’s the only wa---[/color]” “[color=fffff0]Shut up idiot.[/color]” Came the coarse reply as Nura ducked under yet another sword swing from her opponent. “[color=8dc73f]Is that anyway to treat your handler, technical advisor and the man always cleaning up the lovely presents you leave in your wake? I mean honestly Ms. Volkov, I expected more from you.[/color]” “[color=fffff0]Unless you wish to end up in a bodybag I suggest you stop expecting and start listening.[/color]” “[color=8dc73f]Someone’s got their panties in a knot. What did you need?[/color]” “[color=fffff0]I’d prefer if you leave my undergarments out of this conversation. Regardless I’m,[/color]” a slight break occurred as Nura found herself sidestepping another of her opponent’s many sword swings. “[color=fffff0]I’m facing that assassin you mentioned. I need information.[/color]” “[color=8dc73f]Well, what’s he look like?[/color]” “[color=fffff0]He’s tall, surprisingly quiet, uses a sword and shield, favours ice dust and hits hard. Really hard. My kick didn’t even appear to shake him.[/color]” “[color=8dc73f]Alright I’ll see what I can pull up, in the meantime try not to die. TTFN.[/color]” The line clicked. “[color=fffff0]I’m really growing to hate that phrase.[/color]” Her hatred had no time to fester however, as a whirring of machinery signaled a change in her opponent’s tactics. Where there had once been a sword and shield now stood a large hammer, and unfortunately it appeared he was able to swing this weapon significantly faster than his one handed sword. The young woman barely found herself with enough time to duck out of the way. Yet upon glancing back to where her head once was, she wished she had not rolled away. In the small corner lay the crumbled remains of the Rob the Constructor set she had picked out for Kawaguchi’s offspring. The ever present scowl on Nura’s face quickly turned into a full blown glare as the young woman’s eyes narrowed in pure disgust and unbridled rage. Dropping [i]Glazdrakona[/i] and [i]Rozhdeniya[/i], Nura allowed all rational thought to fade away as she charged straight at the now unlucky assailant. To his credit the man tried to counter with a quick swing of the hammer, but a duck underneath and hand reaching up simply ended with Nura’s hands firmly grasping the side of the his hammer. In a flash, Nura’s semblance did its job and ice rapidly crawled across the entirety of the hammer’s frame. Her opponent was forced to immediately drop his weapon or lest his hands would find a permanent new home. Nura’s scowl, on the other hand, merely grew even as the ice dust reached her clothes and served as a new fuel. Before the hammer had the opportunity to hit the ground, the former Huntress’ fist hurtled towards her opponent’s left shoulder encasing it within solid ice. The man however did not seem physically perturbed by the vicious punch as he quickly followed up with an equally vicious punch of his own. However while the punch still knocked the wind out of her, Nura remained persistent, throwing her next punch at her adversary’s right shoulder. Once more a large chunk of ice emanated out from Nura’s point of contact, and this time it slowed down her foe’s counter punch enough that Nura easily ducked under it as she provided yet another punch at the man’s gut. Once more a feeble attempt at a counter punch was the man’s response, only to be stopped by yet another vicious blow, this time to the head. TIn response not even the slightest bit of retaliation came from her wannabe assassin. Yet the young woman remained relentless. Piling blow after blow upon his body until it appeared as though he was entirely encrusted in ice. The barrage only stopped as a heavily panting Nura found herself interrupted by a buzzing in her pocket. “[color=8dc73f]Sorry it took a few minutes Ms. Volkov, had to boot up my computer. Anyway it’s not great, guy’s name is Frediano Terra, nasty stuff ascribed to him, but you gotta watch out for his semblance.[/color]” “[color=fffff0]Aleks.[/color]” “[color=8dc73f]Yeah, yeah, I know, get to the point Aleks. Honestly, never an ounce of respect for what I do, just Aleks this and Aleks that.[/color]” “[color=fffff0]Aleks.[/color]” “[color=8dc73f]Yeah anyhow it seems he can redirect any force his body takes into another blow. Basically as long as he releases that energy he won’t be hurt by the initial attack. Your best bet at taking him down would probably be to slow him down some---[/color]” “[color=fffff0]Aleks.[/color]” “[color=8dc73f]What? You asked for this infor---[/color]” “[color=fffff0]He’s beaten.[/color]” There was a slight pause on the other hand, followed by a weak “[color=8dc73f]Oh.[/color]” “[color=fffff0]I’ll tie him up and throw him outside. I’ve got to rest for the more difficult task in front of me.[/color]” … The next morning the young woman found herself standing in front of the remains of a mirror tugging at strands of hair that wouldn’t look right no matter what she did. She truly did loathe having to wear her hair down, but through some god forsaken miracle the only other pair of clothes to survive last night had been a fancy dress her sister had insisted she wear to the baby shower. Even Nura’s assurance that Kawaguchi had expressed little preference in clothing was met by a rebuttal that Kawaguchi was simply being polite. Regardless, she possessed little choice in the matter now, and thus the off white dress Kawaguchi once claimed brought out Nura’s eyes would have to do. Still, that didn’t mean she had to be happy about it. Plus even worse the gift she had spent all of yesterday searching out was now little more than a crushed up pile of rubbish. The only thing she had left now to give away was an old graduation gift her mother had given her two years ago. Despite the logical implications Nura was already certain the gift would enable, the young lady was forced to concede that something was better than nothing. With a sigh, she opened the door, the only boon of last night was no longer needing to go downstairs, and headed out to her next, even more difficult, battlefield. This time however, she resolved to leave her phone at home. Truly worthless. [/hider]