[@Mimic][@Overlord24][@Dark Light] Alex remained standing in the doorway and kept her back turned towards the bed. Not by means of disrespect, but to ease her curiosity. If she were facing him, she would surely be studying him quite intently, and making him uncomfortable was not on the to-do list. She also wanted to keep Alex from barging his way through. His young, naive mind was begging for a fight, or any reason to draw his sword. Weakly, the man spoke up, "If you have any questions, go ahead. Though, I'd like to talk to whoever is in charge around here." Alex cocked her head just enough to see the outline of her face, shrouded in hair, "Dorian owns the place, talk to him. He should be up 'ere sooner or later. You caused quite the ruckus." She looked around the room for a moment and then turned to face him. "Alright, I don't care where' ya came from, what happened or what ya are, but why are ya 'ere?" Just then she heard the echo of footsteps from the stairs and she turned her head back to the doorway to see Clay with his arms crossed over his chest, leaning on the doorframe with his jaw tight and his features pulled into almost a scowl. "So who's this guy?" Clay gestures to the man on the bed. "n' I hope someone's paying for this room." Alex holds her posture and almost turns up her nose at him, not enough to be a complete bitch, but enough to let him know that she wants no more of their previous [i]interactions[/i]. "Why dontcha ask 'im yerself. And I'm sure he can take it up with Dorian." Alex turned from him and everyone else in the room and went to stand by the window. She remained indignant and reserved while she felt Clay's eyes bore into her back.