So, I decided to make a new thread and flesh things out a bit. I'm well over 18+, so I'm fine when things get R rated. However, I prefer it when things like that happen naturally. Meaning, I don't ERP just for the sake of ERPing. (Erotic RP) I prefer someone who can usually respond at least once a day, but to be honest, most times I can respond a lot to RPs. I usually sit here refreshing the page every few minutes anyway. I will play the girl in all plots. I just can't play a guy all that well, so be prepared to play the male. No offense, but I don't do MxM or FxF pairings. Just not my thing. I usually do between 2 and 5 paragraphs, but the more I'm given to work with, the better I can respond. That in mind, sometimes there's lulls when I do good just to get 1 paragraph out. I love it when my partner helps guide the story as well, so feel free to throw in any twists you might think of. I can do either forum RP or PMs, but we'll still keep parts that might not be suitable for other readers to PMs only. [b]Rp Ideas[/b] [hider=The Mark of Cobal] In a time of uncertainty and war, the Prophet has foretold of a danger to the King. Someone baring a strange rune will be the undoing of the King. After searching the major cities and towns in his kingdom, the King has sent his best Knights to scour the small villages. Dozens of men have already been slaughtered, and many more will die. Orders are that anyone bearing the runemark should be executed. One Knight's world is turned upside-down when, near dead from injury, he finds himself in the hands of someone unexpected. A young girl with the very mark he has sworn to eradicate. Honor demands he help her. Protocol demands he uphold the laws of his King. But the truth of the mark's origins leads the pair on an adventure no one could have imagined.[/hider] [hider=Beauty and the Beast] She found him under dire circumstances. Now, she has the task of nursing him back to health, and finding a way to help him. Together, they set out on a quest to find the ultimate prize. Freedom. (This is just a general and can be brainstormed to flesh out details. Below is a list of "beasts" I'm willing to do this one with.) Centaur Dragon Demon Orc Dark Elf Cursed (the curse causes said person to become some sort of animal during one part of the day/night)[/hider] [hider=Curse of the King] Twenty-four years ago, after ten years of war between the kingdoms of Illiona and Varsec, the two kings finally called an end to the war. To prevent more bloodshed, the Princess of Illiona, Akaesia, was to marry the Prince of Varsec, Vraey, would marry. Together, the two lands flourished. Peace was brought to the kingdoms, and the lands once again grew green. Until Kind Brardius of Varsec suddenly turned on Illiona. Killing both his son and Princess Akaesia, he vowed to destroy the kingdom of Illiona, even at the cost of his own kingdom. However, two questions weighed on everyone's mind. Why did the king suddenly want war? Moreover, why did he not only spare Princess Kaesani's life, his granddaughter, but let her go as well, without trying to find her? Two years after her parent's deaths, Kaesani is a well known face in Varsec, though most consider her a traitor. Rumors speculate she's in league with the King. Now, King Aphraedes of Illiona has sent his best Guardian, a Knight of the elite ranks of Illiona, to find Kaesani. Deep under cover in enemy territory, the Guardian must find Kaesani, the last heir of Illiona, and bring her back to the kingdom. Unfortunately... it's not going to be as easy as he thought, even when he finds her.[/hider] [hider=Gods and Queens] Legend says that the Horn of Gajeel was once use to call the ancient God from the heavens. It was said that, as punishment for allowing a great evil to escape, Gajeel was tied to the horn by the Elder Gods and forced to serve whoever use it as their slave. Only if the person wielding the horn freed Gajeel would he ever be able to return to the heavans. The problem was, no one ever set him free, and when at last they died of old age, the Horn of Gajeel would simply vanish, only to be found by another greedy soul. Several men have owned the Horn of Gajeel, taking the power of the God himself and using it to further their own agendas. Over the many years, Gaheel was forced to wage wars to further someone's ambition. All of that is about to change; however. This time, the horn is used not by a man, but by a woman. And this time, it's blown right in the middle of a crisis. Bound by his horn, Gajeel must now serve a woman. And her ambitions are far different than anything he's ever known. [/hider]