[center][h3][color=99ccff]Edwina Fairfax[/color][/h3][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/002b50becb0b3618a9b6d793d26ffbaa/tumblr_inline_o4eyk7PMAw1tzow6j_500.gif[/img] [@Gilgex] [/center][hr][hr][color=0E32CF][b]”Now I remember! Abela was a drug kingpin I brutally slaughtered a two years ago. He swore a smart lady would avenge him, well at first that’s what I thought he said. He spoke spanish, and Tia in that language means lady.“[/b][/color] Eddie grimaced, looking down at the table covered in Mercury's blood. She had no way to tell if Tia had taken some of it--she easily could have. However, it was a bit funny. The world's leading expert on dark matter working for some king pin. It wasn't what she expected. [color=99ccff]"Then I think your friends may want to have a chat with you,"[/color] Eddie quipped, her eyes darting towards the exit. Thundering footsteps were coming closer and closer towards them, increasing in volume and pitch each moment. Eddie's heart skipped a beat, her powers instinctively beginning to kick in, drawing the light out of the lights and into her hands. She smiled nervously. [color=99ccff]"I've got a bad feeling about this..."[/color] [color=0E32CF][b]”Hide in the closet, and go invisible. That should be enough to confuse them, and make them go away so we can escape. Hurry.“[/b][/color] She paused, watching as her bird friend shifted into the shape of one of the intern's. She knew that if she focused enough, she could create an illusion beyond just concealing something. But she wouldn't be able to hold it very long. Creating a virtual image to replace a real one... [i]That[/i] was a pain in the ass. Her record for holding it was a matter of seconds. Stepping into the closet, Edwina scowled a bit, feeling like a little girl. But true to her word, she blocked the light that bounced off of her from interacting with other people. To them, she'd be invisible. But at least, with the light still hitting her own eyes, she could see. Hopefully, Mercury had a plan.