[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Ella%20Kingston&name=Carton_Six.ttf&size=60&style_color=FA05B9[/img] [img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Asclepia&name=Carton_Six.ttf&size=60&style_color=FA05B9[/img] [IMG]http://www.maximumpop.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/oliviaholthair3.gif[/IMG] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] A hotel in Paris-> Sentinel HQ [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] [@smarty0114] Hollie Hills, [@Lmpkio] Creatrix [/center] [hr] Plopping a scrumptious ball of caramel and chocolate pretzel delight into her mouth, Ella moaned with happiness. Oh, how she loved food. While pancakes and protein shakes had a special place in her heart, there was barely anything she wouldn’t eat. Anything except cheese. She shivered at the thought; cheese was her one weakness. There was something about its moldy smell and weird texture that had her shaking in disgust. Some people had nightmares about monsters hiding under the bed or skeletons in their closet, but Ella dreamed of.. Cheese. She shook her head, ridding all thoughts of the nasty substance. “DOO WIEE OOOHH!” The telly rang out in front of her. Ella grinned in delight as one of her favorite shows was coming on. Sprawled across the bed, Ella sat waiting in her hotel room for the new Sentinels meeting to begin. She was currently passing time by watching the BBC and eating, of course. There was nothing like eating and watching some good old Doctor Who; it was a rerun of an episode she’d long already seen but she loved the show enough to watch any episode 100 times over. Arriving in Paris over a week ago, Ella had been the first new Sentinel recruit to come into town. She had been encouraged by Archer O'Connor to spend some time in the city of love before official work began. Ever since her father had disappeared, there was no one she looked up to more than Archer. He had helped her when she most need it, and for that, she was eternally grateful. So she went sightseeing, made several new friends, and had already gotten a feel for the city. She’d even had a good conversation with a French mime, or she had tried, anyway. Paris was quite the city, and Ella found herself having a wonderful time. As Ella’s eyes were glued to the screen, she didn’t realize the soft beeping noise coming from her phone. It wasn’t until the Doctor Who episode was over did she realize the time. [color=FA05B9]“Bloody hell! I’m going to be late!”[/color] She screamed to the empty room, shoving her box of treats under the bed, and scrambling for her purse and shoes. Only should could possibly mess up such an important day as this. Although, she couldn’t help but chuckle at her terrible sense of time. What would Archer think if he saw her coming late? Pushing down the thought, Ella quickened her pace and raced toward the headquarters. Twenty minutes later, and Ella had finally arrived. Perhaps things had yet to start? She could only hope as she rushed into the HQ, only coming to fall flat on her face in front of Hollie Hills. [color=springgreen]“Ella! Are you alright?” [/color]She called out, rushing to her side. Ella gave her a thumbs up and let out a loud laugh; it seemed her day wasn’t complete without falling at least once. After the bubbly girl helped to her feet, Ella smiled gratefully and rubbed off the imaginary dirt on her shoulders. [color=springgreen]“I’m so happy you’re here, although you’re a little late. Be lucky my dad hasn’t come out yet.”[/color] They both giggled like they had been friends for years. Ella had only known the girl for a little over a month, but she found herself growing rather fond of her. It was nice to be friends with someone, a fellow blonde as well. Although she was fairly certain Hollie was growing annoyed with her rather abundant jokes. But, she never said anything and always laughed, and for that, Ella was grateful. [color=FA05B9]“I know! I know! I lost track of time after Doctor Who came on the telly. I guess I’ll go on in there, now. Come in soon!” [/color] Cracking the joints in her fingers, Ella made her way in. The room was full of all sorts of people, some of whom weren’t even human. Ella’s eyes filled with amazement as she saw a robot in their midst. [color=FA05B9]“Oh wow! An actual robot!”[/color] She squealed in excitement [color=FA05B9]“Can you dance? I’ve spent many years perfecting the ancient dance move known as the robot.”[/color] Ella then preceded to do the robot in front of the entire future team, grinning as she moved. They sure were in for a treat, Ella couldn’t wait to tell them all her jokes too.