[centre][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/41805650/large.gif[/img] [hr] [h1][colour=FireBrick]Dan Carver[/colour][/h1] [b]Location:[/b] Church. [b]Interacting With: Slyke and Raini[/b][/centre] Dan laughed as Slyke expressed the desire to hunt. [color=Firebrick]“Couldn't have said it better. Every day we're here not bagging...[i]deer[/i] feels like a failure.”[/color] He said anxious to make a difference in the town, to help take to back from monsters and leave it in the care of good people. That was what gave life meaning and everyday that didn't put them closer to that goal was a failure. Everyday that lacked a fight for his life made his muscles ache with anticipation for combat, for the surge of fear and adrenalin that made him feel truly alive. This long with a good fight made it hard to relax and difficult to focus on anything else. For a small town that was both run by and over run with monsters to be hunted he had thought it would be non stop action but so far it had dull. He guessed all the these things had lived in the community long enough to be skilled at blending in, but they'd all slip eventually, these monsters always did. All he and his fellow hunters had to do was be ready and make sure they were around when these monsters did slip. His head turned to look as another entered the church and his posture straightened as a sign of respect as Raini entered. She was nearly as strict as other leaders he'd worked for, but he was already conditioned that way by others and he truly believed a good leader should be respect whether they demanded it or not. She handed Slyke a flyer about a carnival that was to be in town today, a prefect feeding ground for supernaturals, vampires especially. Dark, crowded, noisy, and filled with strangers and carnie folk making it easy to shift the blame should any possible missing people even be tied to the carnival. [color=Firebrick]“Ma'am I would be glad to assist in paroling the carnival.”[/color] He offered as Slyke suggested that more than one set of eyes would be the best way to got, maybe even finding an inside source. Not knowing the size or layout of the carnival was a clear disadvantage. Not having a real idea who was an enemy and who was not was another. Rumor had it that this town was a haven for unnatural creatures, and some of them were likely old and powerful, the more hunters around the better the odds. [color=Firebrick]“If you want information all you have to is snag one young vamp, they usually get talkative after a bit of holy water boarding. Wolves can be a bit trickier in my experience.”[/color] He replied in a hushed tone as the Father had asked them to keep hunting talk quiet. He'd done interrogations before, it was usually a reliable way to find a lair or nest if you could find someplace quiet to keep the creature. Dan knew he would have no problem staying focused at a carnival, he could care less about rides and fried food on a stick. Funnel cakes were probably one of most disgusting things ever created, who would want to eat fried batter covered in sugar? Dan did not put the amount of effort in maintaining his build to clog up his arteries with garbage. The last thing he needed was to escape being murdered by vampires and werewolves only to have a heart attack get him in the end. He doubted a carnival in a small town had a true roller coaster that could provide an actually thrill and tunnels of love and Ferris wheels where for people on dates. He did enjoy gambling games of skill, strength or chance. While many carnie games were rigged Dan had a natural talent for some of them and the right skill set for even more. He used to love impressing dates with his skill for such games when he was younger as well as winning prizes for the occasional child who looked disappointed by their own losses to such games. Since he was an adult with self-control he was fully capable of ignoring his desire to take part in carnie games and focus on his job.