Chester soon awoke in the cabin, the bobbling of the ship on the open sea would've normally lulled him to sleep, but now, now it did no such thing. He was hungover, and he needed another drink. Not even reacting about where he was, he got up from the bed he was sleeping on, and rubbed his eyes, heading out onto the deck, he pulled down his pants and started peeing off of the side of the ship, before turning his head, seeing Lina stand there, watering some plants. Waving nonchalantly. "Hi Lina." He said, before smacking his lips and returning to the task at hand. Once he was done, he pulled up his pants again, and went to get a glass of water. That was about when he realized what was going on. He leapt at least six feet into the air in sheer-surprise, before landing and holding his head - everything was spinning. "W-Where am I and how did I get here.." ".. you're on a ship, Chester." Lina mentioned, rubbing his back as she had abandoned her plants to tend to her captain. "Melonberry, Cerulean." He said and Lina mumbled something. "I thought it was best to leave, you can fight Cerulean another day..." She said, with worry in her voice "Please don't be mad" Chester looked up at her with a pained look "... Where's my booze?" He asked and Lina pointed to the cabin. "R-Reno put a few crates of that rum you really liked in there" Chester's frown turned upside down "Well, no harm done, then!" He shouted, as he crawled into the cabin to get himself some booze to wash away this hangover. "Where we heading, anyway?" He asked.