[@Alisdragon911][@Dark Light] Groaning Tic sat up in a rather unfamiliar room, he had been laid out on what he could only assume was a medical bench. He’d been striped down to his pants and his shirt and jacket were laid out at the other end of the bench. Not questioning it too much me slowly crawled over to his folded clothes and started getting dressed, this placed seemed a little cleaner than most street doc’s he’d been too. As he flexed his wings to fit them through the back of his shirt the events that had transpired earlier in what he hoped was the same evening came flooding back. Losing twice in one night and one to a freaking mage, yep no one's going to be hearing about this missadventure if he could help it. However with the bad came some good, his wings looked to be in pristine condition. Lazily he ran his hand through the ethereal feathers that made up the span, he’d figured it was going to be weeks before he’d be in the air again. Looking over his effects his wallet was noticeably lighter now, presumably the doc had taken his payment and left him to sort himself out. Extending his wings to their full span he gently glided across the room quietly latching his hand onto the doors handle and giving it a tug. Though he’d only been without it for a few hours Tic relished the feeling of his legs dangling below him not having to worry about balance or silly things like that. Once in the hall he saw all too familiar figure of Clay, entering a room further down the hall. Good, that meant he could avoid that conversation a little while longer, maybe get a little drunk again too. Carefully making an obvious arc around the door clay had entered Tic made his way down into the main tavern. Approaching the bar Tic gestured to the specials board and landed heavily on a bar stool.[color=716cb1]“Yo, ‘tender, a glass of whatever ‘The Dwarf Toss’ is!”[/color]