[hider=Ida] [center][h1][color=FFBF87]Ida Mercado[/color][/h1] [IMG]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CfJ8viVUsAAyHoP.jpg[/IMG] [b][/b]"[i]And to venture in the highest is precisely to be conscious of one's self.[/i]"[b][/b] -[b] Søren Kierkegaard[/b][hr][hr][/center] [color=FFBF87][b]Name;[/b][/color] Maria Isidora Rivera Mercado [color=FFBF87][b]Nickname;[/b][/color] Ida, short for Isidora. (the latter w.c she despises so much. Only her mother can get away with it.) [color=FFBF87][b]Date of Birth;[/b][/color] April 12, 1994 [color=FFBF87][b]Age;[/b][/color] 22 [color=FFBF87][b]Gender;[/b][/color] Female [color=FFBF87][b]Sexuality;[/b][/color] Bi(with more frequent homoromantic tendencies) [color=FFBF87][b]Relationship Status;[/b][/color] Single for years [color=FFBF87][b]Sexually Active;[/b][/color] Depends on the time of the month. [color=FFBF87][b]Occupation;[/b][/color] Advertising Student. Part time Copywriter, Graphic artist. [color=FFBF87][b]Room Number;[/b][/color] Room 501(?) [hr] [center][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/12ffaaed147234e3c545c767baad9e9a/tumblr_mkt1acsIK51rq5px0o5_250.gif[/img] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/e106c09d9c87fee589d2d7cd0056a93a/tumblr_mkt1acsIK51rq5px0o4_250.gif[/img] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/77df5157969ecb7474874794a8d19986/tumblr_mkt1acsIK51rq5px0o2_250.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [color=FFBF87][b]In Depth Appearance;[/b][/color] Ida's a petite young lady, standing no more than 5'3, with definite curves in just the right places. She has a revealing vertical scar on her chest w/c she got from a heart surgery when she was 12. Because of this, she would wear shirts that would conceal the most part of her chest, usually to avoid people asking about it (w/c gets really tiresome to explain overtime). Although at some occasions she doesnt mind wearing V-necks or shoulder bare clothing, specially during her work hours. After highschool, she used to have long mid-length hair but, recently she decided to chop it off, for a change. Ida is somewhat a fashion nut to the point where she gets too overdressed, as she has a fascination for pin up so most of the time she gets her style from there. She also has a fondess for dresses and cateeye make up, in a way earning it as a trademark. When no one looks, however, she has a lowkey fondness for silly graphic shirts and flannels. [color=FFBF87][b]Habits | Oddities | Quirks;[/b][/color] -Is addicted to tea. -Is [s]obsessed[/s] fond of collecting cocktail umbrellas. -Will only smoke pot. -A neat freak. [color=FFBF87][b]Hobbies;[/b][/color] -Listening to her fave artists. -Watching the crime channel on lazy weekends. -She sings. Terribly, I might add. -She paints, too. -Makes DIY accessories/ sewing clothes. -Drunk singing. [color=FFBF87][b]Secrets;[/b][/color] -Her strict up bringing, specially her stuck up mom. Although growing up in a wealthy, famous filipino spanish clan, she hated the publicity, the politics and all that pretentiousness her family is invested in. The main reason why she avoids talking about them at all cost. -Still hasnt fully gotten over her crush on Hayley Williams. [color=FFBF87][b]Likes;[/b][/color] -ANYTHING THAT"S TEA. -Vintage knick knacks specially calendars with pin-up art. -Crime documentaries -Jazz music. Or anything that's chill. -Happy hours at the pub. -Going to Graphic conventions and seminars to learn. -Stand up comedy. -Cats (of the tabby variety) [color=FFBF87][b]Dislikes;[/b][/color] -Cold weathers. -Crocs.(most hideous things ever invented) -Judgmental people. -Being negatively compared, specially to her siblings/family. -Being lied to.(She'll never forgive you) -Politics. [color=FFBF87][b]Fears;[/b][/color] -Has an irrational fear of nuns. (cuz of the eerieness of the outfit. Seriously.) -Shunned. -Becoming like her mother. [hr] [center][img]https://s32.postimg.org/s0ls5o1cl/Untitled_3.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [color=FFBF87][b]Personality;[/b][/color] [b]Positive Trait[/b] - Although a practical and straightforward person professionally, Ida's a free spirit, a complete opposite of the life she grew up in. A creative young woman and a good story teller, it's never dull when people hang out with her. She likes to socialize with different groups and collect a variety of ideas and opinions that she incorporates in her artistic works as a copywriter, w/c she is also very good at due to her outgoing nature. She aspires to be the best in what she does and would often take long nights of studying and research, a perfectionist, as some would come describe her. [b]Negative Trait[/b] - She pushes herself too hard to the point that its too much for her to handle, as if she always wanted to prove something, to prove she's a better person than what people initially expect of her. She has so many insecurities that she'd shut people out when they get too close to her, and would mask her true feelings with her outgoing demeanor. Almost none would notice it, but someone who knows her well has no problem in seeing through the cracks and leaks. [color=FFBF87][b]Place of Origin;[/b][/color] Manila, Philippines. [hr] [center][img]https://s31.postimg.org/qzlu7jypn/Untitled_4.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [color=FFBF87][b]History;[/b][/color] Ida was born to a rich and controversial family of a political Dynasty. The Mercados were known for their power in the political seat during the 70's. Though the glory days have long been over, the family has always kept their reputation by squeezing in to fame through social publicities or politics. Ida hated it so much. She has 2 siblings, an older brother, Manuel, and a younger one, Alphonso, who were brought up to their parents strict standards, in both their public and private lives. Ida rarely had the freedom to enjoy childhood, with her every move watched and corrected by her mother, w/c more than once landed in harsh punishments. Ida hated her mother as much as she feared her. She never truly felt, therefore considered her as a maternal figure, but her caretaker, [i]Nanay Edna[/i], was more than a mother to her than she'll ever be. The kids are fond of Edna, and Ida always enjoyed her stories of fairies and dwarves as a young child who spent her years bedridden due to her heart condition. Overtime, Ida's heart condition worsened w/c immediately got her into surgery, and got that huge scar on her chest. Her condition was remedied for a time but hasnt really fully recovered. By recommendation of the family doctor, Ida still has to be monitored regulary and as much as possible, avoid possible triggers that would endanger her current stability. Because of her parent's harsh upbringing it was no surprise that Ida rebelled against them, well, mentally at least. She was too good, too scared of defying her parents, until during her firsy year in college as an accounting major (by her parents wishes of course), someone, a good friend, had helped her get out and see the world. This is where she put her fantasy rebellion into reality, going to parties, skipping class(she hated math btw)and, oh yeah, coming out of the closet to w/c her parents, as the final being the last straw, banished her to New York with her Uncle Felipe. It's been three years since those events. She barely have any news of her family back in Manila, only through TFC or news articles and occasional calls with her younger brother, Alphonso. It seems like they dont even care and had completely forgotten her, w/c Ida is more than fine with as long as they dont bother her. At least that's what she tries to tell herself. [color=FFBF87][b]Misc.;[/b][/color] Anywhere with white sandy beaches and surfing ^^. [/hider] [hider=Ida's Relationships] [center] [H1][color=FFBF87]Ida Mercado[/color][/H1] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/3311b0a02cd54f6738f3ae695239d10a/tumblr_mkt1acsIK51rq5px0o3_250.gif[/img] [color=FFBF87][i]“” [/i][/color] [color=c23023]⚜[/color] Acquaintances || [color=white]☯[/color] Neutral || [color=215435]☮[/color] Friends || [color=0050cc]♫[/color] Best Friends || [color=ff0000]♥[/color] Love Interest || [color=800800]⚤[/color] Boyfriend/Girlfriend || [color=black]☠[/color] Enemies[/center][hr][hr] [hider=Room 500] | [color=686F91]L I A M . M A T T H E W S[/color] | {[color=white]☯[/color]/ [color=c23023]⚜[/color]} "[i] I wish I could get to know him more. [/i]" Ever since she accidentally knew of Liam’s family history, Ida could’nt help but be drawn to him. Partly because of curiosity, or probably her empathy towards him. They have talked a couple of times, and Ida makes sure she’s friendly enough to make him open up. | [color=42c0c4]J O S E P H . R I P P L E[/color] | {[color=215435]☮[/color]} "[i] I’ll lay off the pot, dad. [/i]" Joseph and Ida are on friendly terms, frequently encountering each other at the complex or the café. Once or twice Joseph caught a snuffle of pot whenever he passes by her apartment and would point her out about it. Although Ida appreciates that he cares enough to tell her. [/hider] [hider=Room 501] | [color=FFBF87]I D A . M E R C A D O[/color] | {[color=0050cc]♫[/color]} "[i]Hmm? Who? Doesn't ring a bell.[/i]" Kidding. The most obnoxiously fun person I ever met. | [color=???]F I R S T N A M E . L A S T N A M E[/color] | {Symbol} "[i]Character thoughts here.[/i]" In depth description of relationship.[/hider] [hider=Room 502] |[color=#AD9DAD]Z A H R A . H E A V E N[/color] | {[color=c23023]⚜[/color] /[color=215435]☮[/color] } "[i]Zay, she’s a queen![/i]" Ida is in awe of Zay. Every time she performs Ida gets all sparkly eyed at her, although the first time they met Ida felt a bit insecure. Once she got comfortable Ida made an effort to finally befriend her. | [color=f26522]M I N G - L O N . L E E[/color] | {[color=c23023]⚜[/color]/[color=215435]☮[/color] } "[i]He's so nice, I bet he'd lend me a kidney if I ask him to.[/i]" Ida admires Daniel's kind virtue, and the drive to help people whenever he can. Not everyday you meet a guy like him. She catches a glance of him once or twice, would say hi if she has the chance. Sometime she'd skim his articles even if she's never really into sports. [/hider] [hider=Room 503] | [color=DED16A]R O X A N N E . D E B O S E[/color] | {[color=215435]☮[/color] } "[i] Most awesome girl you’ll ever meet, and an expert fashion consultant. [/i]" Ida and Rox share a mutual fascination for fashion designing and both would share tips and ideas. Sometimes, when no one’s looking, they’d play silly dress up like little girls whenever there’s nothing productive to do. | [color=a0410d]R Y A N . S T I L L M E N[/color] | {[color=215435]☮[/color] } "[i]Knock knock. Who’s there?[/i]" Ida and Ryan are good friends. With their love for all things funny, Ida would occasionally drag him to a comedy bar and laugh till their lungs explode. What’s more is they both have an obsession to make things in order w/c makes them perfect OCD buddies.[/hider] [hider=Room 504] | [color=fff79a]M Y R I A M . L O V E L I E S[/color] | {[color=c23023]⚜[/color] } "[i]Green tea latte? Oh so it’s Tuesday. [/i]" Ida is friendly towards Miriam whenever she meets her at starbucks regualry. Miriam seems to know what type of beverage Ida would like depending on the time of the week. She hopes to get to know her more outside their usual encounters. | [color=LightCoral]K R Y S T A L . F O X[/color] | { [color=white]☯[/color]} "[i]Uhm. Hi.[/i]" Krystal is a total stranger to Ida. She recognizes her from the complex and would greet her with a friendly smile whenever she can, but that’s about it. Although it would be nice to get to know her if not for her shyness being a barrier. [/hider] [hider=Room 505] | [color=39b54a]A R C H E R . L O N G F E L L O W[/color] | {Symbol} "[i]Character thoughts here.[/i]" In depth description of relationship. | [color=???]F I R S T N A M E . L A S T N A M E[/color] | {Symbol} "[i]Character thoughts here.[/i]" In depth description of relationship.[/hider] [hider=Room 506] | [color=AFEEEE]T H E R E S A . S P A R K S[/color] | {Symbol} "[i]Character thoughts here.[/i]" In depth description of relationship. | [color=lightpink]B O R A . P A R K[/color] | { [color=215435]☮[/color] } "[i] Her outfit’s worth more than my rent and salary combined. [/i]" Despite Bora’s arrogant/spoiled/shallow personality, Ida doesn’t seem too bothered by it. Well sometimes, but she gets where she’s coming from. Ida thinks they have enough in common to see pass that. [/hider] [hider=Room 507] | [color=mediumspringgreen]C A M E R O N. T E A F L O W E R[/color] | {[color=215435]☮[/color] } "[i]He’s an angel. Thank you for existing.[/i]" Ida thinks Cam is a wonderful person. Whenever she’s looking for a hug, or some herbal healing, she’d look no further than room 507. His compassion and love for even the little draws her to him. | [color=???]F I R S T N A M E . L A S T N A M E[/color] | {Symbol} "[i]Character thoughts here.[/i]" In depth description of relationship.[/hider] [hider=Room 508] | [color=#9e5f5f]A T S U K O . H A R T L E Y[/color] | {[color=c23023]⚜[/color] /[color=215435]☮[/color] } "[i]That girl’s on fire![/i]" Ida thinks Atsuko is really fun, both in person and in the dance floor. She’s the live and let loose type, warm and friendly, plus she makes the best cupcakes in town. Although Ida is not a fan of her fondness to chaotic spaces. | | [color=#CB99C9]R Y D E R . T A L E V O S E[/color] | {[color=c23023]⚜[/color] } "[i] The lady’s Ice cold.[/i]" Ida knows that Ryder is not the person to be messed with. Though at first she feels a bit intimidated by her, once she got a glimpse of her lighter side, Ida seems to admire that. An ice queen who’s into cutesy stuff, you don’t see that very often. [/hider] [hider=Room 509] | [color=deepskyblue]R E E D . R I L E Y[/color] | {[color=215435]☮[/color] } "[i]Yes. I might need a drink or two, thank you.[/i]" Ida and Reed clicked in an instant because of their outgoing personalities. She appreciates his concern whenever she’s overworking herself and would go out clubbing or just scoping out the scene. [color=fff200]M I N - K Y U . L E E[/color] | {[color=215435]☮[/color]} "[i]I enjoy being around Leo. He’s a really fun guy, plus the best colleague anyone can have. [/i]" Leo was the one who showed Ida the ropes when she first applied as an intern. They like sharing ideas together, and Leo doesn’t seems to mind whenever she blabbers away. Ida would sometimes goof him and they seem to enjoy each other’s company.[/hider] [/hider]