[center][h1][b][color=dimgray][u]D34D-3110[/u][/color][/b][/h1] [h1][b][color=dimgray][u]Fortress[/u][/color][/b][/h1] [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/418ae8742e9ff2016fe4545dba79df96/tumblr_mv5kaswB7r1scj9c4o1_250.gif[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Heavy armored escorted truck -> Sentinel HQ Paris [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] [@smarty0114] Hollie Hills[/center] A group of military cars with mounted guns was riding through the streets of Paris. In the middle of it was bigger truck, close to an armored truck carrying money or prisoners, but this one had much more plating and no windows at all. The convoy kept driving till they got to the Sentinel HQ, where they drove straight into the garage without stopping until they got to the end. The bigger truck turned so he would have his back doors pointing to the end of the garage, where people with guns were already waiting for him. The other mounted cars in the convoy set up around the bigger truck, everyone pointing their guns at the truck as well. Two people carefully opened the door, and revealed the big hunk of metal known as D34D-3110. He barely moved, only his head looking around scanning all the people pointing weapons at them. He could kill most of them within a few minutes, if not seconds, but he didn't want to. He wanted to show them he was no threat as long as they didn't agitate him, but all the barrels pointing his way made that pretty hard. He kept looking at all the soldiers as he stepped out of the truck, when a noise signaled the elevator in front of him being opened. His sensors didn't pick up any weapons though, so he didn't pay attention to it. The person coming from the elevator walked straight towards him and told the soldiers to lower their weapons. They did so, making D34D-3110 finally look in the direction of the person, as they clearly got some authority going on here. The person was a blond human, looking up at his size. [color=springgreen][b]"Hello there! My name is Hollie Hills, and I'm the mission coordinator around here. You must be D34D-3110, right?"[/b][/color] The robot nodded once. [color=dimgray][b]"AFFERMATIVE. I have been reactivated like the contract stated for use of combat in favour of the Sentinal Program."[/b][/color] [color=springgreen][b]"Great! Then follow me, I will introduce you to the rest of the Sentinels."[/b][/color] The hunk of metal followed the woman to the elevator, which seemed like a cargo elevator to support his weight. The soldiers stayed behind after Hollie ordered them to, then the doors closed and they went upwards. [color=springgreen][b]"Sorry for the heavy security measures, it's just that we never had a robot made for mass destruction in the HQ."[/b][/color] [color=dimgray][b]"No problem. I actually feel safer with them around."[/b][/color] He said while staring straight forward. Hollie looked with a smile towards D34D-3110 [color=springgreen][b]"Really?"[/b][/color] She said. He looked at her. [color=dimgray][b]"AFFERMATIVE. If these soldiers are the best you got, I don't have to worry about them being a threat."[/b][/color] He then looked straight forward again while the smile on Hollie's face faded, as she just realised he insulted their army. The elevator doors then opened, revealing multiple kinds of people in a room where everyone was gathering. He walked out of the elevator and stood there analyzing everyone. Hollie was going downstairs again behind him. He wasn't going to aproach anyone by himself, as his programming didn't feel the need to.