[@Pineappletumble][@Dark Light] Dorian’s tone hit Doorman before his words did. It was that distant and almost condescending manner that he hated about corporate men. He had to force himself to keep a relatively neutral expression. “Yeah he’s breathing, completely out of it last time I saw him though. Figured he could use some medical help, you dont scream that loud then pass out if you’re right as rain.” Shrugging, Doorman started back towards the bar. He’d given it a fair shot, now it was time for his reward. “Anyway, it’s not like this is my problem.” Doorman he says, still facing away from the suit more in an attempt to remind himself than anything. As the main room came into focus Doorman's eyes were drawn to a oddly familiar sight. Sitting at the bar, bright blue, was an old colleague. “Tic, is that you?” There was no denying it, pixies were rare enough in cities, let alone one with that distinctive blue tone. “It’s been years! What are you doing in Seattle big guy?” He tried to keep the tone as sincere as possible, he knew Tic had a thing about his height. Taking the seat next to the pixie doorman gave him a big slap on the back, a wide grin stretched across his face.