[@Continuum] The bar tonight had been anything but normal for Tic, stranger people seemed to frequent this bar… well stranger then what Tic had come to expect from the Melbourne crowd. He check his Com again to see if his crew was ok, no signal, so what else is new. For all its fancy liquor this bar had terrible reception. Just as he was considering slamming the drink when it arrived so he could leave before clay returned, a voice cut into his thoughts. “Tic, is that you?” On the one hand Tic was relieved to see a familiar face on the other, it was just as likely to lead even more trouble straight to him. Doorman looked a whole lot scruffier than when he last saw him, and he could see the years had not been as kind as the cowboy would have liked. “It’s been years! What are you doing in Seattle big guy?” [color=716cb1]“Doorman! It's been too long, I missed ya ugly mug”[/color] he turned in his seat to better face the large man. [color=716cb1]“Last I heard you were in...”[/color] then something Doorman has said stuck in the violent sprites mind. [color=716cb1]“Seattle, you sure you haven't been messing with Zen again?”[/color] he raised an eyebrow at his compatriot [color=716cb1]“Always thought Lady Liquor was your only mistress”[/color]