[@Pineappletumble][@Alisdragon911] A puzzled look came across Doorman's face. There wasn’t a hint of mockery in Tic’s voice, if he didn’t know better he’d assume the young pixie was honestly believed they were in Melbourne. A glass appears next to Doorman, he picks it up and gives a thanking nod towards the Elf who served him. Pulling out his commlink Doorman checked his location, just a precaution. “No Signal Found” Read the phone. This was odd. Unless this place was a giant faraday cage he should be getting at least some signal, he was in the heart of Seattle after all. But why was Tic here then? He had shown no interest in moving, and he seems to damn sure of himself. Thoughts begun shooting through Doorman's mind, chief among them being. Magic. He turned to the girl tending the bar. “Hey, this may seem stupid but, where are we?”