[@Mimic][@Dark Light] [Upstairs] Alex was just thinking about the changing scenery outside. It seemed like they were in Seattle about an hour ago, and Alex was sure that they might now be somewhere far from Earth. Then again, the Tavern wasn't really anywhere. In the midst of her thoughts, a voice cut in. "Z-ry-d. My name is Zyrid, and your name?" She turned to find this man, Zyrid, looking at her. "My name is Alex." She turned her body to face him and pulled her eyes to the floor. She shuffled her feet nervously as the tension in the room was so think you could cut it with a butter knife. She looked up at Clay who still seemed to have the countenance of someone who [i]really[/i] needed a punching bag. She turned back to her original place back at the window and considered going downstairs for a smoke.