[center][h2]Benny Bones[/h2][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Benedetta “Benny” Bones [b]Alias:[/b] Ben, Agent Skully, OH SHIT I THOUGHT YOU WERE A PROP, Bones, Bonesy [b]Race:[/b] Skeleton [b]Gender:[/b] Technically genderless, being literally all bones, but in life, she was a woman. [b]Age:[/b] She honestly couldn't tell you. She woke up dead one day and lost track of time since. [b]Appearance:[/b] Human skeleton. She prefers to go bare-bones, but will wear whatever she fancies at the moment: jeans, suits, 80s workout leotards with leg warmers, ball gowns, scrubs, tutus, skeleton costumes out of sheer irony… Being that she has a bad habit of falling to pieces, Benny has tiny carvings in every bone to make matching them up easier. Her right forearm radius was also turned into a flute some time ago (long story short, graverobbers have some strange clientele…), so it [i]especially[/i] doesn't always stay put. Most of her bones are pretty intact despite everything, most of any damage either wear and tear, or battle scars from dogs. She does have a noticeable crack in the back of her skull from one idiot kid trying to play baseball, and tiny pinpricks on either side to wear earrings. [b]Personality/Motivation:[/b] When one has “lurks in closets until someone comes clean,” “that one unearthed body in CSI,” “Yorick from [i]Hamlet [/i],” “a bowling set,” “xylophone,” “real-life Jack Skellington,” and “part-time Halloween decoration” on their resume, you know they’ve got to be humerus, no bones about it. Benny doesn’t know why she's up and stalking, just that she found a way to deal with getting up on the wrong side of the grave. Literally. She woke up dead and a shell of her former self. Having no idea how she got there or how she died, she set about finding answers. And when that failed, she just started making them up. That's when she found her true calling as an entertainer, and gives a different story to everyone who asks, “So how’d you die?” “My lover poisoned me. Not on purpose, mind you, but the idiot couldn't cook worth a damn.” “I sneezed on the minister, and he got sick and died. Haven't been to Salem since.” “You see, there was this other woman who got a [i]teensy[/i] bit upset that I was visited her boyfriend for the weekend. Pretty sure she wished it was her own funeral when she learned how his sister so tragically fell out the window.” Benny's goal in life is to be entertaining, because it beats moping about having no body to do anything with. [b]Gear:[/b] Benny never has anything unless it’s part of an outfit she’s wearing, like a scythe for a grim reaper costume. Speaking of, that's a real hit at funerals! [b]Abilities:[/b] She can take herself apart and reconfigure her bones to be something useful. She's always willing to lend a hand or two, provided she gets them back. [b]Flaws:[/b] She’s pretty hard-headed at times, likes to have a bone to pick, and will probably fall to pieces at inopportune times and need some help pulling herself together. [b]Favor:[/b] Start at 0. This will keep track of your Favor with Crocus. When you are in the god’s Favor, he’ll do you favors. Use it to purchase items, power ups, or any what-have-you. [Img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/7e/89/83/7e898336cedeebbca7724f4500109e4e.jpg[/img]