[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Leila%20Samara&name=Bastarda.ttf&size=75&style_color=666666[/img] [img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Asteria&name=Bastarda.ttf&size=75&style_color=666666[/img] [IMG]https://67.media.tumblr.com/761bf17d05c449004681c29da047bcca/tumblr_nc9ctm9rZX1r0cjp7o1_500.gif[/IMG] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Enroute to Sentinels HQ -> Sentinels HQ [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b][@smarty0114] - Hollie [/center] Leila rolled her single luggage and carry on behind her. Everything she owned manage to fit in one large suitcase and a smaller carry on. Simply paying for the suitcases themselves was quite the expense. However, now that she was a part of a government program, her family would be receiving quite a bit of money. Now out of the airport, Leila saw a large line of taxis by the exit. Already, she felt out of place since everything was in a foreign language she knew nothing about. The dark skinned girl heard a man call out to her. “Do you want a lift miss?” He asked. She saw him leaning against his cab, smoking a cigarette. She didn’t really approve of the action because of the adverse health effects, but she decided to get in his cab anyways since she didn’t want to be mean. [color=666666]“Ah, yes. I am heading to the Sentinels Headquarters.”[/color] Leila said, dragging her luggage behind her to the back of the car. Her Arabic accent was thick since she didn’t use English a lot. The driver with his own weird accent looked at her funny. “The Sentinels Headquarters? Uh, yea. Get in.” As the two drove around, the foreigner tried her best to make small talk with her driver, but they couldn’t really understand each other. “Where on earth is this stupid Sentinels building?” The taxi driver grumbled. He had been driving in thick traffic for a while, and it seemed as though he had no idea where he was going. Leila was annoyed, but didn’t hold it against her driver. Maybe he was having a bad day, or maybe it was his first day? Nonetheless, the arabic girl spent her time marveling at the skyscrapers in the city. Her hometown had been one of the more developed cities in Lebanon, but this city was on a completely different level. Beirut didn’t have towers that tall, or uniquely designed buildings. It took forever to finally reach the Sentinels HQ, but by then her bill had gotten pretty high. However, Leila still made sure to tip heavily. Her sister would have done so. The building itself was amazing. How could it stand so tall? She stood gawking for a moment before remembering that she technically had a meeting and she was late. She grabbed her things and rushed inside. Immediately, she was greeted by a blonde girl with pale skin. [color=springgreen]“Hello! Are you Leila Samara?”[/color] She asked, a grin brightening her features. [color=666666]“Yes, I am.”[/color] Leila smiled back. [color=springgreen]”Great! I’m Hollie Hills. I’m the mission coordinator of our new group. I’m glad to have you on board!”[/color] Hollie lead her to an elevator as she spoke. [color=666666]”The pleasure is all mine,”[/color] The Lebanese girl responded, being polite. The two managed to make small talk on the way up. The view was amazing. Once she reached the top, Leila saw that there were quite a few people already there. Assuming she was the last one, she decided to introduce herself. [color=666666]”Hello everyone. My name is Leila Samara. I look forward to working with all of you.”[/color] She greeted. Hopefully she’d be able to get along with anyone. It’d make her job easier. Plus while Leila did her best to be kind to others, sometimes it was really difficult.