Here I am. The man. The legend. Some call me Bagobats, Bago, or even Bats. Others call me Definitely The Coolest Kid We Know. Few even know me as Wow This Guy Is The Bomb Dot Com. Okay, all joking aside, hi guys! I'm (very obviously) new here, and hope to make some pals and join some rp's. Truth be told, I'm not as cool as I claim to be, but I'd like to think I'm pretty okay to be around. Anyways, I'm definitely suffering a bit of a culture shock. Every site has its own community norms and all that, and this is no exception. I've roleplayed on Neopets, Figment, Subeta, and am still roleplaying on Chickensmoothie. Hoping to find an active and less rule-restricted community here. So yeah. I'd love to make some pals, both new to the Guild and not. B^)