[quote=@UnknownScarlet4] OKAY,WHAT IS OVERWATCH? CAUSE I HAVENT HEARED OF IT! Wait,why am i yelling? [/quote] Overwatch is a new first person shooter that has a strong emphasis on team play and team composition rather than solo glory; a balanced team working together has a higher chance of winning against a team full of KDR goobers. The game has 21 characters with wildly different abilities and personalities split between four categories (offense, defense, tank, support) and because the best game mode involves moving a payload across the map and its colorful graphics people compare it to Team Fortress 2 when that comparison is shallow at best even with some similarities in like four characters. It is made by Blizzard and it's their first competent release since Wrath of the Lich King. Also there's a lotta porn of it because all the characters are bae.