[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjg4LjA4MDhjOS5UV1Z5WTNWeWVTQkJZbWwwWVd3LC4w/sweetcorrection-roth.regular.png[/img] [img]GIF or image, whatever[/img] [@Morose] [/center][hr] Mercury grabbed some random paperwork, and took a seat looking as casual as can be as he flipped through them. When the men burst through the door they saw only an Intern looking over papers. They looked around for a bit, and were about to leave when Tia came into the room. “Idiots he can shape shift! Grab him,” she screamed pointing at Mercury. “he’s key to my research.” She was holding some sort of strange device that was glowing green when pointed at him. Quickly the men surrounded Mercury, and slammed him down against the desk. Putting handcuffs on him. Then administered a powerful shock of electricity through his body making him return to his true form. “I’ve been wanting to meet you Mercury... So where is your little friend? What was her name? Ugh, whatever I don’t need to remember that she’s just an assistant.” Mercury snarled in rage opening his real mouth that was filled with white dagger sized fangs, wanting to tear this woman’s throat out. [color=0E32CF][b]”She’s a brilliant scientist you asshole! I made sure she escaped, and so she’s not here. You’re never going to catch her, she’s smarter than you will ever be. Because I’m going to fucking kill you.“[/b][/color] Tia burst into a mocking laughter before zapping Mercury again. Making him scream in pain, and growl at her. “You’re in no real position to be making any sort of threat. Take him to the lab!” The men escorted Mercury away forcefully, and he stumbled. But, he was smart and had stumbled on purpose. In order to knock one of his masks loose that he quickly kicked under the desk. He couldn’t really see which one. But, all of his masks were a part of him, and acted like a homing device because they wanted to be with him. That is if one was focusing on Mercury, and were brave enough to actually put it on… Though it did smell like chocolate. “Careful with him you idiots! Break him, and I use you as a guinea pig for my experiments instead.” Tia was mad, and followed behind the men with an angry scowl. She wanted to make sure Mercury wouldn’t be injured before she got her hands on him. “I’m going to enjoy dissecting you.” [color=0E32CF][b]”Oh boy, don’t I feel loved,“[/b][/color] Mercury spat sarcastically. The door shut behind them with a very loud SLAM which shook the door.