The Doctor was wondering how Rose would react. He wondered if she would know that he was really there. He soon saw her , he didn't have to wonder long. He could see she was a bit angry and upset. "I"m so sorry Rose... I," He was looking at her. He felt so bad about what had happened. He wasn't looking forward to get a ear full from Jackie. He was looking towards Jackie with a nervous smile. "I had only meant to drop you off for one day to see your family and come back for you the next day, But something happened, The TARDIS got pulled out of control and into the unknown, I couldn't escape it and to make matters worse the TARDIS was damaged, I was lucky I found a way out and got her working enough, But she is going to need a few days to rest and repair." He explained. He had spent alot of time missing Rose, he had a few tears himself. He was sure that Rose had never seen him cry. He hugged her and held her close. He knew in the time he had gone missing, he would have been off the radar and unable to be tracked or contacted. He looked at her with a small tired smile "I was worried you would give up on me." He said "Glad to see you haven't." He sighed looking at his precious ship "Suppose we are stuck with your mother for a few days." He said with a grin. "But your still welcome to come with me.... that is if you are not too angry.' He looked down a bit and was looking around. "Again.... I am so sorry," The Doctor seemed to say he was sorry over and over again.