Saturday March 23, 2016 Mina got up from the floor and tapped the girl on the shoulder. As soon as her finger touched her skin, she disappeared. "What the-" Suddenly, what just happened flooded into her mind, but this time, it was from the standing girl's perspective. "What the-" Mina repeated. She sat down on her bed and stared at her hands. [i]What's happening?[/i] "Mina, there's a boy named Richard that wants to meet you at his house," Max hollered, "Don't think of doing anything bad!" "Ugh, Max, like I ever would," Mina replied, on her way out of her room, "I guess I'll see ya." "Have a good time!" [hr] When Richard's house came into Mina's view, so did Hal. [i]He must have also experienced something unnatural.[/i] She overheard Mrs. Calhoun redirecting Hal to the Callahans across the street. She walked about seven feet behind Hal, being careful so he wouldn't notice her. This wasn't necessary, but she didn't want to strike up a conversation about anything at this moment. Mina was mostly looking at the ground, so when she looked up at the sound of the door opening, she let out a little gasp. [i]Am I seeing things again?[/i] She rubbed her eyes. When she opened them again, she caught a glimpse of a naked butt. She shook her head. Mina nervously stepped through the doorway, guessing that she was also allowed in, for The Naked Lady had already gone up the stairs.