[center][img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/stormfaze.regular_zpsbwfpon0i.png[/img] [img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/stormfaze.regular_zps58gte6lo.png[/img] [img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/Creatrix_zpsezwplcdf.png[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Sentinel HQ Meeting Room [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] [@smarty0114]Shortcut, [@BlueAjah]Ellie, [@Scarifar]Christopher, [@Suku]Honaka, [@Jin Of Mana]Zues (Also taking notice of everyone else in the room; above shows those who he speaks/greets to)[/center] [color=deepskyblue][b][i]"I-That's me. Name's Webster. You're Creatrix right? My parents told me a lot about you,"[/i][/b][/color] [color=5182b9][b]"Correct."[/b][/color] Creatrix responds in a friendly tone, [color=5182b9][b]"I have been good friends with your parents. We both helped each other out during our battles. I feel like you will definitely live up to their name."[/b][/color] After they shook hands, both decided to introduce themselves to the rest of the newfound team. As the robot scans the room, he then sees another familiar face. It was a more grown up Christopher Mozrick, also known as Sergeant. Last time Creatrix saw him he was just a simple boy, only a 15 year old teenager. He surely has grown up quite a bit in the past 13 years. He simply approaches his seat and pats him on the soldier. [color=5182b9][b]"Ah Mr. Mozrick,"[/b][/color] the robot greets politely, [color=5182b9][b]"You've sure have grown since the last time we saw each other. A pleasure to be working alongside you."[/b][/color] He then glances at all the other people coming in. The next person was a woman, wearing what appeared to be facepaint of a skull, who happened to sit in a swirly chair and self-entertain herself. From the looks of it, she might've been a criminal back in her day. Hopefully the Sentinel program will change that old behavior of her's. Next was another girl, whom she calls herself Futaba Honoka. She happens to look pretty nice. Creatrix simply bows back at her presence. [color=5182b9][b]"Kon'nichiwa-san Honaka."[/b][/color] the robot replies with his own bow. He can thank his language disks installed in his mind later for having access to over 4,000 different languages. Pretty useful when talking to other foreign people. Next was another Japanese girl going by the name Katsumi Kōchōha. She looked pretty fancy by the looks of it. Perhaps he can speak to her later. Then Creatrix recognizes another Ex-Sentinel ally. This one is Theodore Aldrich, otherwise known as Zues. Remarkably, Creatrix has seen him before, but he was more familiar with his older brother. The two had fought together in battle, with Creatrix having saved his life thanks to his mobile turrets and ultimate shield ability. However, the two also fought in minor skirmishes as well. Creatrix knows how strong of a fighter he indeed is. He simply walks up to him and pats his shoulder. [color=5182b9][b]"An honor to have you back, Mr. Aldrich Jr."[/b][/color] Creatrix approaches with a friendly but also personal tone, [color=5182b9][b]"Your brother would be proud of you returning to the Sentinels. You're needed here way more than you actually know."[/b][/color] After a brief conversation, Creatrix would then turn towards the door to see another girl come in. This one was a golden-blonde girl, with a happy-go-lucky attitude, and overall rather cute. In fact, it so happened that she even noted his presence the first thing she entered. [color=FA05B9][i]“Oh wow! An actual robot!”[/i][/color] She squealed in excitement [color=FA05B9][i]“Can you dance? I’ve spent many years perfecting the ancient dance move known as the robot.”[/i][/color] Ella then preceded to do the robot in front of the entire future team, grinning as she moved. Creatrix couldn't help but to chuckle at this dance. Yes even he, a robot, has humor on his side. [color=5182b9][b]"Of course madam."[/b][/color] he responds with a chuckle as he proceeds to "imitate" her moves in a more fluid and "authentic" way before stopping. [color=5182b9][b]"By the way,"[/b][/color] Creatrix then says, [color=5182b9][b]"You can call me Creatrix. Ex-Sentinel member. Mind if I ask for your name?"[/b][/color] At the corner of his eye, Creatrix can also see another robot come into the meeting room. At first, he almost jumped seeing he he recognized the model as one used by the Emperor's Entente, but then realized that it must've been reprogramed to fit in with these conditions. None of the less, it was nice to see another robot within the team. He'll have to indeed talk to him later. He then turns to see what he believes to be the last member to join the crew, she being Leila Samara. [color=5182b9][b]"Greetings Leila,"[/b][/color] he responds courteously, [color=5182b9][b]"Please come in."[/b][/color] [hr] [center][img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/vinque.regular_zpsqguvinl2.png[/img] [img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/vinque.regular-1_zpsghexu2cw.png[/img] [img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/pirate_queen_by_alpine_gfx-d3kr47t_zpsrn7dvw9i.png[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Outside Sentinel HQ In Paris -> Inside Sentinel HQ [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] [@Argetlam350]Scorn[/center] While everyone was making a conversation and introducing themselves, Jeanne simply stayed quiet as she simply kicks back in her seat and relaxes. She wasn't exactly in the mood for introducing herself to the rest of the people. Maybe if she had some Guinness she would be a bit more outgoing, but regardless there is none to be found. [color=red][b]"Jaysus,"[/b][/color] she mutters to herself as she looks around, [color=red][b]"Everyone is havin' a great ole' time just introducin' each other. And here I am just lonely and being the odd-woman out. Pffft, what to do..."[/b][/color] As she thinks on what to do and on who to greet first, a girl happened to sit right next to her on a swirly seat. She was a pale one for starters, having a skull face-painted onto her face, with surprisingly blue eyes that almost seem to glow. She was for many people... weird. Then again, Jeanne is a modern pirate... wearing a pirate outfit. Does that make the both of them "outsiders" in this group? Probably. For all she knew that girl might've been a criminal or something. But it doesn't matter. Make friends while you can right? So Jeanne simply looks over at Scorn. [color=red][b]"What's your name love?"[/b][/color] she simply says to her, trying to start a conversation, [color=red][b]"Ya look a little white around the edges, eh?[/b][/color]