[center][h1][color=8dc73f][b][u]Belinda Romalty[/u][/b][/color][/h1] [h1][color=8dc73f][b][u]Mamba[/u][/b][/color][/h1] [IMG]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-PD-MXk1dD3Q/TijCXsxsNYI/AAAAAAAAAwg/3xf11VKKStM/s400/600full-behati-prinsloo.jpg[/IMG] [b]Location:[/b] Sentinel HQ [b]Interacting with:[/b] J.J. [@Lmpkio], Scorn [@Argetlam350][/center] Belinda had been enjoying the sights of Paris. The sunlight, the buildings, the historical monuments... it was really quite nice. Unfortunately for her, the time for sightseeing was coming to an end. It was not time for the soon-to-be-Sentinels to gather together. Fortunately, she was already nearby, so it wasn't like she needed to travel very far. However, Belinda chose not to enter the Sentinel HQ just yet, instead sitting down at a nearby cafe and watching as others entered first. She wanted to see who she would be meeting first before they met her. It turned out that there were quite a number of people that had chosen to come. Some looked rather ordinary, and a few of them were even quite attractive like the first guy with the gauntlet that had appeared out of nowhere, while there were others that looked quite odd. Belinda was especially interested in the pirate, the criminal in handcuffs, and the black mech that looked like it was made for the sole purpose of combat. Eventually, though, she grew tired of merely waiting nearby and decided to come in herself. Opening the door, Belinda exclaimed, "[color=8dc73f]Boy, oh boy, do we have a crowd in here![/color]" A blonde girl came over to Belinda and said, "[color=39b54a]You must be Belinda Romalty, right?[/color]" Belinda nodded and smiled before continuing, "[color=8dc73f]Yup, that'ss me, and you are Hollie Hillss, mission coordinator. Nicce name tag, by the way.[/color]" To Belinda's credit, Hollie recovered from that much quicker than she expected as she said, "[color=39b54a]Thank you. Well, feel free to meet with everyone else, and thanks for coming.[/color]" "[color=8dc73f]I will, thankss,[/color]" Belinda said, walking off. Belinda scanned the room, searching for potential candidates for interesting conversations, and quickly spotted the pirate and criminal together. Her target set, Belinda wasted no time speed walking over to them and taking a seat. "[color=8dc73f]Hey there, mind if I join you two?[/color]" Belinda asked Jeanne and Adala. [hr] [center][h1][color=0076a3][b][u]Christopher Mozrick[/u][/b][/color][/h1] [h1][color=0076a3][b][u]Sergeant[/u][/b][/color][/h1] [IMG]http://media.animevice.com/uploads/0/6872/252495-desert_soldier_by_penthesileiaravyn_super.jpg[/IMG] [b]Location:[/b] Sentinel HQ [b]Interacting with:[/b] no one[/center] Christopher examined each new person as they came in, trying to determine their combat and/or support potential. Many of them showed promise, like Scorn, Zeus, and Fortress. Others he couldn't determine their potential as easily, like Ella or Katsumi. Regardless, everyone was here for one purpose: the Sentinel Program. Christopher would hold off on any judgements until he saw what they could do in the field. After nodding in response to Creatrix's interaction, he resumed his wait. Christopher suspected he didn't have too long to wait how, considering the amount of people here.