[center][h3][color=99ccff]Edwina Fairfax[/color][/h3][img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/82e45cfcfe4d8448b9110df6ab9bce61/tumblr_inline_nh67xyo9I91rfx82j.gif[/img] [@Gilgex] [/center][hr][hr]Eddie heard the massive explosion, and swore. Running as fast as she could, she couldn't help but regret that she hadn't worked harder on her mile time in high school. Her chest seemed to constrict with pain, but she made it out the hole, just in time to see Mercury get shoved into a truck. Biting her lip, she thought through her options. [i]Virtual image. Just moving where my image is.[/i] Biting her lip, Eddie clenched her hands, waving them around in a complex pattern. They still couldn't see her. In a moment, however, she wasn't invisible. Instead, her image appeared across the parking lot, panicked and afraid. She remained exactly where she truly was, right outside of the lab. No one was able to see where she truly was. Her image had been placed somewhere else, hopefully sufficient to be used as bait. The only issue? The sound didn't travel with it. Hopefully, her panic would be convincing enough to get them to chase after her. With the fiery bright red hair, there was no way they could miss it. And as soon as they were distracted, racing after her, she would find a way to make Mercury vanish as well. It'd be difficult for her--maintaining two illusions at once. It might even killer her. But it'd be worth it.