[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjg4LjA4MDhjOS5UV1Z5WTNWeWVTQkJZbWwwWVd3LC4w/sweetcorrection-roth.regular.png[/img] [img]GIF or image, whatever[/img] [@Morose] [/center][hr] Tia saw Eddwina and laughed, “Get in the car, and run her ass over. If we don’t get her keep going to the lab. She’s not worth our time, I’ve got bigger fish to fry. Ain’t that right Mercury?” She got into the van she was still laughing in amusement. What? Did Edwina really think she was anymore important than annoying leech? A quick pull, and the problem was over. The van took off fast going towards Eddwina, but avoided hitting any cars. Mercury hit a wall in the van, and groaned in pain. He was terrified, and was starting to shake. They drove onto the freeways after exiting the lab parking lot leaving Eddwina looking stupid. Then Mercury’s mask started to glow faintly pulsing almost like a heartbeat. It was his warlord mask, and the expression seemed to fix into that of a berserking rage. [color=0E32CF][b]”Edwina… Now I understand that fear you felt.“[/b][/color] He was shaking panting with fear, and tried to get free. But, he was soon zapped by one of the men assigned to watch him. Mercury screamed in pain. The mask started moving violently then Edwina heard a voice inside her head. [color=red]”Lucifer you idiot! did you really think you held any significance to them? Especially after they have what they want, and know you could stop it all? God your stupid as fuck!”[/color] This voice was one usually only Mercury heard inside his head all the time he wore it. They were the souls of the masks, and were the beings Mercury embodied when he wore the masks. But, Lucifer was getting talked to because of the dire circumstances Mercury was in. Usually they never talked to anyone or raised any sort of fuss.