[hider=The Red Death] Name: Arthur "Art" Lawrence Age: 20 Gender: Male Previous Occupation (If highschool student or lower specify): Sandwich Artist Appearance: [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/c799ad788b81708425b59e9a857a7535/tumblr_nvfys9lTvY1s9xkiwo1_1280.jpg[/img] Player (Unless a hacker spot for this side is open) Alliance: R3v314t1on Gamertag: Hyp3r1on Alias: "The Red Death" to players outside of R3v314t1on Gender: Male Level: Max Class: Battleborn/Caretaker Subclass: Bounty Hunter (Specialize in finding hidden units, close combat and chasing down opponents. Higher speed, lower armor, Higher attack power when 1 on 1) Weapons: Revolver x2, Rifle, Bolo, Laser short sword Abilities: Active abilities: Mark: Puts a flare on the target, showing their location at all times (one at a time) Bolo: Stuns for 2 seconds, 10 foot range (20 foot for marked target) Bounty: If within 300 units (5 feet) of a stunned, marked enemy with less than 15% health, coup de grace for bonus exp and credits Honorable Duel: Neither player may move away or use items, can only attack each other for the next 3 seconds (7 seconds if marked target) Poison-dart: Single target poison that slows players more the longer it lasts, slowly dissipates as well Sarsaparilla: Heal over time (only self cast) Passives: Close the gap: When near a marked enemy, Movement speed increases 50% One at a time: 1.5 damage to marked target (.75 damage to non-marked targets) Bio: ??? Personality: (Optional since I prefer to let their personality come to life on their own) PvP/Ragnarok theme song:[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OOWwzaQp2E[/youtube] [/hider] If I knew more about the group he's in the history would exist