Maria watched as Jack had gotten up and pressed the keypad on the black weapons crate and watched him pulling out a BFG XLS-150 which she hadn't seen before and of course she didn't because it was something that had just gotten out of the testing phase and slowly being produced. She remembered seeing the BFG-9000 and even seen the older version of the weapon in person and fired at a testing range while she was in Mars the last time. "Seems like your going all out." Maria said as he put the rifle back into its case, then she noticed his holster as he showed her his handgun that he brought with him which was also new to her. Maria ran a hand through her hair as he explained plasma and its weaponizedation she had basic knowledge on how its used to power facilities much like Mars and massive bases on Earth and other places along the like. "Don't worry I understand what you are doing, i'd do the same thing to try and find out whats wrong i'd bring a weapon myself if I could." Maria had experience using weapons during her time working in the UAC she tested some weapons and also knew how to keep them maintained and functioning well. She got up along with Jack and followed behind him to the cockpit as she saw in the cockpit viewport Mars was quickly filling up the space of the window. Something didn't settle right with her as the pilot said he wasn't receiving any communications from Mars Base. She quickly went back to sitting in her seat and brought up communications herself on her own VDA, she was getting a very strange static sound coming from the base. The weird thing was the base's communications array was working fine as she tried to boost the signal Maria heard Jack yelling to strap herself in on the shuttle's radio. She could sense the urgency in his voice and quickly did what she was hold bringing the safety harness over her. Maria closed her eyes tightly letting out a very loud groan as she got dizzy as the ship suddenly lunged forward, she noticed the pilot falling back through the cargo hold, and winced as she heard a loud crack. Maria felt the shuttle turning upside down as Jack controlled the shuttle, then she looked up a loose box of equipment had gotten lose and flew straight at her face hitting her square in the head knocking her out. As the shuttle landed in the base Maria slowly started to come to feeling something warm and wet sliding down the side of her face Maria looked at Jack and waved him off. "I'm fine.." She said softly as she fumbled with the seatbelt and safety harness off of her and stumbled forward looking at the body of the pilot then turned her attention towards Jack. "What the hell happened?" She asked.