[center] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmRkYTcyNy5RV1JoYkdFZ1VHOXpibVZ5LjE,/road-rage.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmRkYTcyNy5VMk52Y200LC4x/road-rage.regular.png[/img] [img]http://i1136.photobucket.com/albums/n491/Argetlam350/cutmypic_zpsr0x5porp.png[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Inside Sentinel HQ [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] [@Lmpkio] J.J.,[@Scarifar] Mamba[/center] While the others seemingly began the introductions, Scorn focused on her spinning chair, the spinning sensation seemingly having no effect on her. She didn't pay much mind to the others, they all seemed to be goody two-shoe people, the likes she never associated much with to begin with and doubted they wanted to begin chatting with a criminal, even if she was magnificent looking one if she did say so herself. It caught her off guard then when someone decided to strike a conversation with her, causing her to nearly tip off her spinning chair as she stopped herself immediately to see who was brave enough to talk to her. She was surprised by the site that she saw. She had thought she was eccentric in her choice of attire but she never expected to find someone dressed as a pirate. She paused and stared briefly before remembering that she had been asked a few questions. [color=orange]"Oh me? I'm Scorn though if you mean real name Adala,"[/color] she said with a grin [color=orange]",As for the white well experimentation can lead to weird results. I would watch out for some of the shampoos, they lie about the side effects."[/color] She gave a laugh, not caring so much anymore on the things that had been done to her in her past. In fact she embraced it all now as her new persona of Scorn. Plus she had gotten her revenge on those that had messed with her so any hard feelings were forgotten in time. Scorn snickered at the thoughts of what she had done to them but returned back to the conversation at hand quickly, keeping her grin on her face. [color=orange]"So are you a real pirate then?"[/color] She asked unable to contain her curiosity of this strange woman. Before she got her answer from the interesting woman however she was surprised to find another person walk over and join in the conversation. She was impressed she was making some new friends all ready, maybe tagging in on the Sentinel's wasn't such a bad thing. Even if they were the good guys she could at least have some friends to enjoy her entrapment. [color=orange]"My, my three's a crowd,"[/color] Scorn cheerily said [color=orange]",I see why not. We are going to be seeing lots of each after all I'm certain. I'm the ever so lovely Scorn and this is...."[/color] She stopped mid sentence forgetting to ask for an introduction from the pirate woman. [color=orange]"My where are my own manners. Well if I ever had any to begin with, I'm not sure. But anyways forgive me but I forgot about asking your name,"[/color] Scorn stated looking over to the strange pirate woman.