[right]GM • Altered Tundra [color=goldenrod]|[/color] lovely complex • Co-GM[/right][right][img]http://i.imgur.com/zTnv01K.png[/img][/right] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/6tGXgCV.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/dcd738cde57b44ed10d03361767e072d/tumblr_nxr2mjCKrT1snlw9ao1_500.gif[/img] [h2] Friday, September 2nd. [sub][sub]( 5:30 PM)[/sub][/sub][/h2][sub]The year is 2016[/sub][/center] [center][color=palegoldenrod][b][color=azure]★[/color] 79 °F, 18 % Humidity, Clear skies[/b][/color] [/center] [indent][color=silver]Recap and IC information[/color] [indent][list] [*] Move In [indent]- [color=fdc68a]Ceil discovers that her roommate is none other than fucking Price. That cocky, insufferable little shit. Trying to be the mature roommate, she attempts to say hi but that just turns into her getting 'real' with him after he insults her brother, calls her a slut, and acts like a rude mother fucker. See how angry she got? He ended up making her puke and she texted her brother, hoping to receive comfort. Abe invites her to his room.[/color] - [color=a2d39c]Tess' roommate is the sexy Abe?! WHAT. Dusty interrupts the potential lovers after she receives an EMERGENCY text from her, then uses their shower. Abe is quite the flirtatious man and uses his moves on Tess. Right before they almost made kissy face, Ceil barges in ready for brother and sister time. That did not turn out pretty.[/color] - [color=f7976a]Atticus entered the apartment complex by jumping off a helicopter into the balcony of his room. Or so he thought it was his room. Turns out he broke Mariana's door, who isn't his roommate. Realizing his mistake, he tells her to call maintenance and goes to his room . Seeing Honey beg to die (in a joking manner), he offers to kill him. Honey decides to leave which pisses him off so Attie destroys his bed.[/color][/indent] [*] The Banquet [indent]- To be continued. [/indent][/list][/indent][/indent] [indent][h3][color=gold]S[/color] E C O N D A R Y [color=gold]S[/color] C H O O L[/h3] [indent][color=silver][color=00aeef]9 AM:[/color] Move-In. [color=00aeef]10 AM:[/color] Assembly at the Arena (Everyone should have been sent an email prior to today of the team they will be in for today's Orientation Spartan Race. This assembly will cover the Mentor's Program, Events planned like the annual "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" fear festival, and school policy). [indent][color=f9ad81]First Years:[/color] Please meet in front of the installed stage where there will be metal chairs for you (the stage at the center of the Olympian stadium is removable). [color=f9ad81]Everyone else:[/color] Sit on the Arena benches.[/indent][color=00aeef]11:30 AM[/color] Early Lunch with your team (get acquainted with them!). [color=00aeef]12:30 PM:[/color] Arrive at the [color=a2d39c]Eleutheria Fields[/color] to go over the Spartan Race guidelines. [color=00aeef]12:45 PM:[/color] [color=a2d39c]The Spartan Race[/color] commences. Once the race finishes, you are free to do as you please. [color=00aeef]2:45 PM:[/color] Sign up for Programs, Clubs, and buy your school books at the [color=a2d39c]Hypiresia Building[/color] (by the school library)! There will be lovely vendors throughout the building from our local community. [color=00aeef]5:30 PM:[/color] [color=a2d39c]The Great Theoria Dinner Banquet:[/color] Where you meet Faculty, Staff, have a grand dinner, dessert, and if you're daring enough, ballroom dance the afternoon away![/color] [/indent][/indent] [indent][h3][color=gold]H[/color] I G H E R [color=gold]E[/color] D U C A T I O N[/h3] [indent][color=silver]Please refer to Secondary School - nothing differs between Schools today.[/color][/indent] [/indent] [indent][h3][color=gold]T[/color] O D A Y ' S [color=gold]E[/color] V E N T S[/h3] [indent][color=silver]For those who are truly curious, there may be an [color=a2d39c]underground rave[/color] happening - somewhere within the [color=a2d39c]Phantasia Plaza[/color].[/color][/indent] [/indent] [hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/mNT9MIr.png[/img][center][hider=Dorm Building][img]http://i.imgur.com/qfMRT4S.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] [indent]Some would call the Dorms of Olympus Academy an inaccurate description. As compared to regular dorms on other academies around the state of Utah. In actuality, they are more like apartments - several hundreds of apartments that house the Children of the Gods and Goddesses. The "dorms" are housed in eight one-story floors. Some buildings go with a God-specific system, some gender. There are some that deal with year-specific set-ups, but there are also some that simply don't care about the year or gender or what Godly parent they have. The size of these apartments depend on what floor one is on. The most common apartment, which usually has two demigods living per apartment, is about the size of two and a half Studio Apartments. These have one bathroom per room, two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a living room. Each has a balcony for various purposes (or patio if you are on the first floor). All of the Dorm/Apartment Buildings all surround a spacious parking lot. [indent][color=goldenrod]Available Housing:[/color] [indent][hider=Room Assignments][sub]The random generator has decided the fates.[/sub] Room 4-A [color=goldenrod]|[/color] Cecily and Price Room 4-B [color=goldenrod]|[/color] Birdie and Alessandra Room 4-C [color=goldenrod]|[/color] Alexander and Webster Room 4-D [color=goldenrod]|[/color] Mariana and May Room 4-E [color=goldenrod]|[/color] Andy and Brianna Room 4-F [color=goldenrod]|[/color] Abe and Tess Room 4-G [color=goldenrod]|[/color] Honey and Atticus Room 4-H [color=goldenrod]|[/color] Avery and Skye Room 4-I [color=goldenrod]|[/color] Delvin and Ranefer Room 4-J [color=goldenrod]|[/color] Dante and Felicity Room 4-K [color=goldenrod]|[/color] Preston and Peter Room 4-L [color=goldenrod]|[/color] Dusty and Winslow Room 4-M [color=goldenrod]|[/color] Olivia and Jayanti Room 4-N [color=goldenrod]|[/color] [/hider] [/indent][/indent][/indent] [center][img]http://static1.squarespace.com/static/51660710e4b0d2481679241f/t/516a2725e4b0f45e71c520bd/1365911334305/divider.png[/img][/center][img]http://i.imgur.com/7HwZfXD.png[/img] [indent][indent][hider=The Headmasters] - [url=http://i.imgur.com/CRlHRno.gif][b]Deimos Victor Simonides[/b][/url] [indent]Son of Hera and Zeus • Headmaster of Olympus Academy; Husband to Andonia Simonides • Face Claim: Benedict Cumberbatch[/indent] - [url=http://i.imgur.com/qIISsRP.gif][b]Andonia Katerina Simonides[/b][/url] [indent]Daughter of Hera and Zeus • Headmistress of Olympus Academy; Wife to Deimos Simonides • Face Claim: Salma Hayek[/indent] [/hider] [hider=Power Use & Control Professors] - [url=http://i.imgur.com/jKdMrAJ.gif][b]Quinn Justin Anderson[/b][/url] [indent]Son of Hades • Instructor of Apotheosis: Aiming for Divinity Area of Focus: Principles, Full Potential, and Strengths • Face Claim: Aiden Turner[/indent] - [url=http://i.imgur.com/uBUAfZg.gif][b]Gianna Camilla Daniels[/b][/url] [indent]Daughter of Aphrodite • Instructor of Hubris: Finding Clarity Area of Focus: Self-restraint, Emotions, and Weaknesses • Face Claim: Jessica Alba[/indent] [/hider] [hider=Battle Strategy Professors] - [url=http://i.imgur.com/Nfk1xT1.gif][b]Aisling Isabel Hawthorne[/b][/url] [indent]Daughter of Artemis • Instructor of Understanding Beyond Your Cognizance; Fiance to Jackson Drake Area of Focus: Observation and Defense • Face Claim: Eliza Dushku[/indent] - [url=http://i.imgur.com/BEibbIU.gif][b]Harvey Nathaniel Blake[/b][/url] [indent]Son of Artemis • Instructor of Offensive Tactical Strategy Area of Focus: Militant Knowledge and Offense • Face Claim: Jai Courtney[/indent] - [url=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Z9TrYvwKquE/VAZwUGAbAbI/AAAAAAAANxI/qYUc05ckLpE/s1600/tumblr_n4dw87MqsK1qg0u4go1_500.gif][b]Magdalena Uliana Tsvetanov[/b][/url] [indent]Daughter of Athena • Doctoral Instructor of Logic and Critical Reasoning Area of Focus: Critical Analysis, Foreign Concepts, and Improvisation • Face Claim: Janet Montgomery[/indent] [/hider] [hider=Greek Mythology Professors] - [url=http://i.imgur.com/RlP2d06.gif][b]Darcie Belle Harper[/b][/url] [indent]Daughter of Dionysus • Instructor of Rethink Greek: A Literary Endeavor Area of Focus: English & Writing, Greek Literature, and Greek Theater • Face Claim: Emma Rossum[/indent] - [url=http://i.imgur.com/to2gBnA.gif][b]Edwin Markwell Grint[/b][/url] [indent]Son of Hecate • Doctoral Instructor of The Lost Compass: Knowing the World Around You Area of Focus: Mythical Creatures, Greek Medical Science & Research, and Greek Botany • Face Claim: Alan Rickman[/indent] - [url=http://i.imgur.com/s7ylQFU.gif][b]Ji-Bora Min Chung[/b][/url] [indent]Daughter of Demeter • Instructor of Bloodline Chronicles: Of Gods & Mortals Area of Focus: Human Studies, Greek History, and Greek Deities • Face Claim: Arden Cho[/indent] [/hider] [hider=Physical Training Professors] - [url=http://i.imgur.com/7Dm7JZm.gif][b]Jackson Torvald Drake[/b][/url] [indent]Son of Ares • Instructor of Basic Training; Fiance to Aisling Hawthorne Area of Focus: Fitness, Core Exercise, & Synergism • Face Claim: Evan Peters[/indent] - [url=http://i.imgur.com/Ngf3UX8.gif][b]Jeremiah Cole Clark[/b][/url] [indent]Son of Apollo • Instructor of Advanced Individual Training Area of Focus: Fitness, Extensive Exercise, & Self Reliance • Face Claim: Ryan Gosling[/indent] [/hider][/indent] [/indent] [center][img]http://static1.squarespace.com/static/51660710e4b0d2481679241f/t/516a2725e4b0f45e71c520bd/1365911334305/divider.png[/img][/center][img]http://i.imgur.com/kTbTcPu.png[/img] [indent]1. You may use the NPC anyway you'd like to just do not have your character cuss them out or kill them. They're there for your use so please use them appropriately. 2. Remember that you must write two good paragraphs, minimum, at least. If I feel that your post is lacking some, I'd be sure to let you know via PM. 3. Romance is allowed and in fact, encouraged but fade to black when things go beyond that tender, PG-13 mark. Swearing is fine too, just don't become a sailor. 4. There will be a posting layout and I expect everyone to follow it every single time they post, please. Wherever you see [.hr], just remove the period, please. [code][center][.hr][.hr]Image link to header or the [h3][/h3] variation] [.hr][.hr] IMG or Gif of character [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] ??? [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Use the mentions???[/center][.hr][.hr][/code] 5. If your character and someone else's character is going to be in a long conversation, think about doing collabs. 6. For you speed posters out there, please wait until at least two people have posted after your last post before posting again. Thanks.[/indent]