[hr] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/aa/d6/8f/aad68fc20f42b990906d77f13944d755.jpg[/img] [hr] [u][color=black]Name:[/color][/u] [i][color=gray]Adam L. Raymond[/color][/i] [u][color=black]Age:[/color][/u] [i][color=gray]Twenty One[/color][/i] [u][color=black]Bio:[/color][/u] [i][color=gray]Adam Raymond was born to a rich mother, and a poor father. Tired of her husband's pathetic nature, Audrey Raymond took her daughter, Amanda, and left her son and husband. Adam and his father, Mason, were left to live on the street after being evicted from their house when the boy was seven. Not wanting to be a bad father, Mason tried to send Adam to a more supportive family, but to no avail. He ended up just handing his son away, no legal papers at all, to a "temporary guardian." Mason Raymond was later found dead in a parking lot after having committed suicide by gunshot over the guilt of giving up his son. Chris Taylor, a drunken, drug-addicted man was now Adam's permanent illegal guardian. He was abusive towards the boy, and very demanding, since he was too lazy to do anything himself. Adam grew up resenting his parents, both of them, for leaving him with such a mess to live with, and he absolutely despised Chris. A week after his eleventh birthday party (which was, in fact, just as miserable as you would assume), he started to talk back when Chris would yell at him. It took him until he was thirteen to start fighting back when a punch was thrown at him. By the time he was fourteen, he was stealing cigarettes from Chris' stash and sneaking out of his bedroom window to smoke them on the roof. Two years later, he started stealing alcohol as well. Once he was eighteen, and felt he had finally had enough, he brutally stabbed Mr. Taylor, stuffed everything he needed into a backpack, and set the house ablaze. He fled the scene and ran to a new city, living a life of crime and insanity, until he was finally picked up by a ragtag gang.[/color][/i] [u][color=black]Criminal Motivation:[/color][/u] [i][color=gray]His years of abuse warped him and turned him into everything that he hated so much in Chris. He turned to crime not because he took interest in it, but only because he can do whatever he wants in that rule-free lifestyle.[/color][/i] [u][color=black]Appearance:[/color][/u] [i][color=gray]Medium height, thin, small build. Blue=grey eyes, black hair. Always seems to carry a negative emotion in his facial expressions (cold, hateful, stressed, bored, et cetera.)[/color][/i] [color=black][u]Other:[/u][/color] [color=gray][i]He mainly focuses on the planning and technical side of crime (being a very manipulative person and all), but he is very handy with melee weapons, especially blades, yet the only gun he can manage to use well enough is a simple pistol.[/i][/color] [hr]