"We need to hide! Follow me!" Kirin responded as he took a sharp turn and led Alex up the nearby flight of stairs. The top of the landing was the convergence of the history and language hallways, but the history hall was also where the chem-lab equipment was contained. Normally it would be impossible to get in, but Kirin had held onto the key he was given last year when he interned for Mr. Clarkson's chemistry classes, he figured he would want to intern again. He used the key to let himself and Alex inside before locking the door behind him. The windowless door was perfect for concealing their location. Once inside, Kirin moved quickly along the narrow areas that the multitude of shelves created. It was a small room to begin with, but there were several tall but thin scaffolding-like shelves that were placed in the middle of the room, since the wall-mounted shelves were not enough to hold all the equipment. As he traversed the shelves, he scrutinized each one, scanning the names of bottles. After about a minute, he stopped. "Nothing we have here is concentrated enough. We'll have to use this." he reasoned with himself out loud as he took one of the acid containers off the shelf in front of him. In a school setting, it's understandably impossible to find any chemical that was truly hazardous or life threatening to humans, but Kirin hoped that what was here would be enough to use as a weapon if he needed to protect himself. He then turned to Alex. "Listen to me, I think I know what that thing is after. We need to keep it from taking this," he stated as he displayed the exotic phone. "There was a message on here, I'll explain later, but we're all in grave danger."