[centre][b][color=fff200][h1]Niesha[/h1][/color][/b] [img]http://s4.scoopwhoop.com/anj/notasking/612391177.jpg[/img][/centre] [hr] [centre][b]location:[/b] Newman [b]interacting with:[/b][/centre] [hr] Niesha decided to stay silent for now, watching the interactions between the people in the settlement. Was there something else going on here? She hadn't been on this side of a settlement before, of having to wait to be accepted. She found she didn't like it. But if they helped Sophie, then she couldn't complain. Looking at Sophie again, Niesha hoped she would be okay. She wasn't going to leave her until she knew. It wasn't that there was no trust, but rather that Niesha didn't want to risk being swallowed up, never to know what became of her friend. And there was the fact that Sophie had saved her life, but that wasn't the only reason. She would wait to be told what to do, but Niesha wasn't about to be pushed around. They could have her weapons. She expected them back, in anycase. Why waste fighters these days? Especially when it seemed they had a problem with other humans as well as the dead. Although she wished she had a weapon as a defense, just in case, she understood the need to have all weapons gathered by new comers. She wanted to say that Sophie needed care now, or it would be that much worse to keep her stable. But she didn't want to risk anything right then. She hesitated, before finally saying to who was there[color=fff200]"if you tell me where it is, can I take my friend to the infirmary?"[/color]