[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/7f28c785-bb7c-4826-8dbd-4f45a4e28f0c.png[/img] [color=Peru][b]The Great Artisan, Divine Mason, Builder of Civilisations Level 4 God of Crafting (Masonry, Carpentry)[/b] 18 Might & 1 Free Points[/color][/center] Teknall stepped through the rift and into his extra dimensional Workshop, and was immediately buffeted by thermal radiation, the vacuum of space and the harsh lighting which suffused throughout the Workshop. Since none of the machines powered by the Stellar Engine were on, the only source of light was a single open doorway which happened to be on the side facing the star. Since at this proximity the starlight was roughly 40 times the brightness of Galbar's sunlight the reflection off the concrete wall was dazzling and cast sharp shadows across the workshop. Additionally, in this time the workshop had heated to a rather unpleasant temperature of hundreds of degrees. None of these had been problems which concerned Teknall while he had been making Goliath, for both himself and Goliath had no need for air, could see independently of light, and could withstand such temperatures. But he would very soon need a more hospitable environment to work in, and those renovations could not wait until he finished the rest of the Workshop. Teknall decided that the first thing he would work on was cooling. To counteract the inbound solar radiation, he would need a large radiator array, and some means to transport heat from around the station to the radiators. For the radiators, Teknall fabricated twenty-meter-long panels, one side highly reflective, the other side corrugated and dark so it would emit radiation faster. Inside the corrugations he ran pipes, which would carry heated fluids into the radiators and the cooled fluids away, and to thermally connect those pipes to the radiating surface he used a paste consisting mostly of diamond dust. He also constructed radiator panels which were wider and flatter to be attached to the rear face of the space station, since the space station was permanently facing the sun so as to collect energy from the Stellar Engine. He took all these radiator panels and attached them to the rear of the space station, such that the whole back face was covered in radiator surface and radiator panels extended out from the back like flower petals. Back in the Workshop, Teknall started milling many, many meters of pipes, some narrow, some wide, and he forged joints and connectors for them too. He also prepared some liquid pumps and heat engines to drive them. Once all the parts were made- so many Teknall had to build iron crates to hold them all so they wouldn't spill over the floor- Teknall when outside and began placing the pipes. To the front face of the space station he inserted the myriad narrow pipes under the aluminium skin, like a network of capillaries. These capillaries all converged to a few wider pipes around the circumference, which then connected the front and rear circular faces of the station, such that the coolant fluids would be heated at the front face and be transported to the radiators at the rear to deposit their heat into the void of space. But the coolant fluid would not flow on its own. To each of the pipes leading from front to back he attached a pump attached to a heat engine, and he connected each of those heat engines to the Stellar Engine Core, so they could extract a tiny slither of its thermal energy to drive the coolant pumps. With the system finally almost done, Teknall just needed to fill it with coolant fluid. There were many possible options, but Teknall decided to go for mercury due to its high boiling point and reasonable heat capacity, as well as the simplicity of obtaining it. From he connected the coolant system to the mercury box in the Elemental Siphon and let it fill completely with the liquid metal before sealing off the coolant system and disconnecting it from the Elemental Siphon. The quicksilver flowed through the new veins of the workshop, heating up where the starlight struck it, and then emitting its heat through the radiators and into the inky blackness of space. While he was working on cooling, Teknall decided to also deal with cooling the Stellar Engine Core. The power it received well out-did the power incident onto the station from the sun, so it would need a greater cooling mechanism. Teknall set up a similar system of pumps and pipes, but this time the working fluid was not mercury but molten salt, for the temperatures involved were far greater. A series of heat exchanges allowed the thermal energy to be transferred to progressively cooler coolants until the energy could be dumped into the mercury pumping through the radiators. With the cooling system done, the temperature inside the workshop was already dropping, and would soon reach an equilibrium point near standard room temperature. Teknall now moved to work on the next step- lighting. This was not too difficult, at least for a basic lighting system. The Stellar Engine Core could currently only supply thermal energy, so Teknall had to work with that. Incandescence, flames and black-body radiation would be quite inefficient sources of heat, so instead Teknall decided to work with atomic excitation and fluorescence. From doped silica glass he blew a double-layered bulb, with vacuum separating the interior and exterior. To produce the light he inserted a narrow nozzle which would receive high-temperature flame from the Stellar Engine, and a mixture of mercury and metal halides. He sealed the light bulb and made a few more. He put them in reflective housings which would redirect all the light out in a single direction. Then he installed the lights high above the floor, and as they received power the compounds within them were vaporised, their electrons excited and they began emitting light. The modifications Teknall had made to the glass converted higher-energy invisible ultra-violet photons into visible light by fluorescence, enhancing the brightness of the lights. And this light flooded throughout the workshop, illuminating all of it. His space station had cooling. It had lighting. It was now missing just one crucial ingredient- air. To accommodate air, Teknall went and sealed all the doorways leading into the workshop from the void outside. Each doorway received two doors, one inside and one outside, such that one could step in through the inner door, close it, then open the outer door to leave, all while keeping the air locked inside the workshop. Once the workshop was sealed, adding air was easy. Teknall simply opened the oxygen and nitrogen doors on the Elemental Siphon and let the gasses flood out until it had reached the same pressure and composition as Galbar's atmosphere. Teknall took a deep breath of this fresh air. Being able to breath was not the only sensory effect an atmosphere had, for he could now also hear, his skin was gently cooled by convection, and he could feel the air moving around him as he moved. Although the workshop might not be completed yet, having air was definitely a major milestone towards its completion. Yet this air was largely stagnant, and there was no means to control its temperature. Additionally, there was nothing to replenish the oxygen and remove the carbon dioxide should a living thing occupy the station, but that would be a project for another day. What he did do was build large fans which would cause the air to mix and circulate about the workshop. Then he attached those fans to heat pumps, which would extract thermal energy from the air and put it into the cooling system, thus chilling the air and allowing its temperature to be regulated. Teknall was satisfied with the work he had done. While his workshop was still far from complete, these latest modifications would allow him to use his workshop for his next important project. A rift opened up, which he stepped through, and the workshop was unoccupied once more. [hider=Another post written in some kind of elvish...] Teknall returns to his workshop. He adds radiators, a cooling system, internal floodlights, airlocks, an atmosphere, and air-conditioning. Then he leaves again. This post is set some time after the creation of Goliath. How much time is indeterminate, as these upgrades relate to a separate plot. (No Might spent. Domain action) [/hider]