[b]Sachiko/Mosca 1[/b] Sachiko had expected correctly. After the rather telegraphed movements, a hail of bullets began flying from both of the machine's fingertips as the Mosca began trying to move out of the way with heavy steps. Her serpentine approach made it difficult to get a proper lock on its target. Neglecting the Box Animal targeting it from behind was a troublesome reality, but between the two of them, disabling the human would be more conductive to victory and intelligence gathering overall. Besides, turning around would be far too much of a time sink in exchange for maybe getting a hit or two in. [b]Yoshi + Rei/Mosca 2[/b] [i]CRACK![/i] The first stone thrown hit the Mosca square in its red lens, sending spiderweb cracks along its glassy shell. With that, the metal humanoid stood from the crushed earth and regarded Yoshi with its single glowing eye. Then it lifted its arm. Prompty, another stone hit its face, this time on one of the three gasmask-esque tubular protrusions, bending it out of shape. A mechanical noise echoed through the clearing as some kind of smoke or steam was exhaled by the second tube. The Mosca rose an arm to protect its face with its bulky forearm and extended its other one. Another mechanical sound, this one reminescent of a certain something out of one of those first person shooter games. Then it started blind-firing in Yoshi's general direction. [b]Ayumu Tomoe[/b] [color=F19CBB]"Mmm, yeah. That's right, isn't it?"[/color] Ayumu replied, directing his gaze up to the clear night sky for just a moment. He'd not done much stargazing before, but even he could appreciate how the sky looked so far from the city. [color=F19CBB]"Sorry for waking you up, by the way,"[/color] he apologized sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head before getting up off the ground. He silently dusted his butt off. [color=F19CBB]"...So [i]"I won't be safe alone"[/i], huh? That's bit melodramatic if you ask me,"[/color] Ayumu grinned. Not that he minded so much - it was very fitting for the situation. [color=F19CBB]"Anyway, getting some more water to boil sounds like a good idea,"[/color] he agreed, looking off into the treeline, [color=F19CBB]"After all, the others aren't back yet..."[/color] He narrowed his eyes before shrugging. [color=F19CBB]"Stream's this way, yeah?"[/color]