In lieu of a mixture of life followed by a distinct lack of motivation/inspiration in general, Megan and I--quite unfortunately--will be withdrawing our two characters from CA. Considering they never really left their mark on anyone, we'd appreciate it if it was treated as if they never showed up/existed at all. I'd rather not glance at CA at some point in the future only to see that Xodus killed them off or played them in a way unbefitting to their unique personalities. On behalf of us both I apologize for not upholding our agreement with you, Xodus, in regards to us being able to post and whatnot as well as likely having betrayed your trust, at the very least in your eyes, in regards to saying we could handle being one another's Partner's for our Asylum team. Hopefully we've not left you sore from it and I hope we've all learned something from the experience, even if such could have been far more positive. I'd have liked to prove to you that it was possible for two people to be one another partners contrary to your belief prior to allowing the exception for us, but it appears that either Megan and I were wrong, or that life had other plans--as she got a job, my job got busier, and I got ill and then subsequently more stressed with life and thus less motivated to do much of anything except drown myself in games and books. So yeah, those things. I think I'll stay in the chat provided that that is alright with Xodus and Kiira and everyone else. I won't speak for Megan on that point, but yeah, I'll chill on and off since I think ya'll are awesome peeps. Anywho. That's my unfortunately rather drab and probably saddening (for some) message for today/tonight, pick your time [b]shrugs[/b].