Some of these questions are literally retarded. [i]''Racial issues will never be resolved. It is human nature to prefer one's own race.''[/i] This question has literally been proven in sociological and biological studies before. It's something called in and out group and favoritism for your in group. In groups are not limited to race however race is probably the biggest factor in it asides religion. [i]''It should be against the law to use hateful language toward another racial group.''[/i] Define hateful? Is me calling a black person an asshole or calling black people assholes hateful? Or is it whenever you border on calling for violence against a group? Definitions are everything for such questions like these because what is hateful to me might not be hateful to you. (PS: offense is always taken and never given so the concept of hateful is stupid to begin with) [i]''If our leader meets with our enemies, it makes us appear weak.''[/i] That entirely depends on the context. If he meets with them and is a sack of flour in negotiations, then yes, it does make us appear weak. There's a difference in how the Dutch prime minister meets with people (weak) and how Putin meets with people (strong). [i]''Radio stations should be required to present balanced news coverage.''[/i] I assume they mean that they should provide objective news, and not subjective to their own opinions or the opinions of their donators. But the way it's written is that they should be required to present ''balanced'' news which can be anything from the above to providing news about every country. It's stupid formulation. [i]''School science classes should teach intelligent design.''[/i] I didn't know what intelligent design was and I don't really have an interest in it anyway so I don't know why they specifically [i]chose[/i] this topic. [i]''Some people should not be allowed to reproduce.''[/i] Define some people. Are we talking about mentally disabled people, in which case I'd vote ''strongly disagree'' or are we talking pedophiles and child murderers, in which case I'd vote strongly agree. Who the fuck wrote these questions. [i]''Laws should restrict abortion in all or most cases.''[/i] This question probably takes the cake for me. I'm very pro-choice but also pro-life. I view abortion as a tool that should be available to everyone however, if you ask me, I'd never hire someone if I knew they had an abortion mostly because to me abortions scream 'I am too stupid to use protection, and I am to irresponsible to think about the serious effects of what I do.' [i]''It makes sense and is fair that some people make much more money than others.''[/i] DEFINE! Who is more people? Some people? Who? Criminals? No that's not fair. Doctors that spend 20 years of their life studying and doing the shit-jobs before they make actual money? Fuck yes. [i]''Gay equality is a sign of progress.''[/i] Stupid question insinuates that if you don't like gay equality then you are anti progress. I like gay equality, but do I see it as progress? No not really. [i]''We'd be better off if we could just lock up some of the people expressing radical political views, and keep them away from society.''[/i] I would assume this question is asked from a perspective of democracy in which case I would disagree strongly. But assuming this question is from any other governance form, then I would agree strongly. [img][/img] Dumbest result I've ever gotten. :/ I am actually right wing authoritarian. But I guess if this idiotic program says this is who I am.. I'll vote SP or PVDA next election.