[center][h1][b][u][color=ADFF2F]Theodore Aldrich[/color][/u][/b][/h1] [h1][b][u][color=ADFF2F]Zeus[/color][/u][/b][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/rJJ4vCh.jpg?1[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Inside Paris HQ - Meeting room [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Creatix [@Lmpkio], Scorn [@Argetlam350] & whoever responds to Theo's remarks... [/center] Honestly Theo experienced a bit of surprise or was caught off guard upon being called 'Mr. Aldrich Jr.' The name was nowhere near offensive, it had simply been a few years before hearing anything close to said name. Theo also felt the weight of Creatix's words upon expressing the Sentinels need for members. Without the facemask Theo wore, someone may have even noticed the reaction Theo had to the scenario as a whole, instead of the monotonous aura Theo currently gave. Finally a bit of relief was felt upon hearing someone other than himself state Dom would be proud of Theo's decision of attending this meeting. Despite faintly focused on currently present members, Theo didn't wane attention from new arrivals. Even nodding to acknowledge those who did arrive after himself. "[color=ADFF2F]Thank you, Creatix.[/color]" Head turned left to right as Theo scanned the room and who was within it. "[color=ADFF2F]I don't want to seem obnoxious.[/color]" Every so often facemask would shift left or right as he continued talking. Slowly his fingertips began to tap upon the arm of his chair, which luckily possessed cushion or fabric so no noise was emitted. "[color=ADFF2F]We have quite a lovely bunch of misfits here. And i'd be a liar if I said it didn't strike memories of my first time stepping into one of these HQ's. Even if i was more dragged in.....[/color]" Upon finishing his remark, Theo's focus or mask's direction aimed at Scorn. "[color=ADFF2F]But, despite the memories, lets get this show on the road. As sad as it may be for the Sentinels, or the impression it gives. I need proving this is worth coming out of retirement...[/color]" Theo had no reason to lie, as he stated before. "[color=ADFF2F]Retirement is garbage. But it's better than hell, which exactly what my last term, or better yet war, with the Sentinels was. We may have won, but I still lost, like many others, during those battles. Things which can never be won back...[/color]" Friends and his brother alike, were lost during that war which was 'won'. Theo left the Sentinels swearing he'd never return, unless no other option was available. So he wanted proof no other option was available.