It was a sickening sight for Sable. It truly was. So many dotting parents accompanying their children, if you could even call those who would be attending Lustre with her such, on what would be their final day together in the coming months. The affection they shared, the tearful goodbyes, it was all so... foreign to her. She hadn't so much as spoken to her own family in months, only barely getting word to her mother that she chose attending Lustre to finalize her education. Yet, there Sable stood. Alone among crowds of her peers and their damnable families with nobody to see her off. It bothered her, almost as much as the very fact it bothered her also bothered her. It was an inner conflict she wished not to face, especially not with all she would be doing in the coming days. So, she did as she always had. She decorated her face with a scowl and marched onward onto greater things. Or, in this case, towards the vessel she would ride towards Lustre. Bare feet smacked along the pavement as the tattoo clad woman maneuvered her way past man, woman and child alike, garnering a couple of quizzical glances from some of the more nosy occupants of the port as she slid by. Yet, it did not phase her. The lion cared not the opinion of the sheep, after all. Prideful as ever, the brunette made way up the ramp and towards the door, shoving past a couple of slower students who dared to impede her with their slow movement on such an important occasion. Within seconds, she had passed through the large, sliding doors and was greeted by the passenger compartment. Dark lavender eyes scanned analytically through those present, looking for anybody of particular interest. She saw few, if any, worth her time. A couple of fairly standard looking humans, a couple of scruffy looking faunus. All par for the course, among hunters in training. She hastily beat a retreat from the doorway as to not impede any further traffic. Her journey brought her in a path which crossed in front of an odd looking girl, tinkering dutifully on some kind of device in her lap. Thinking quickly as she moved by, Sable quickly hooked a leg around and aimed to bump it, quite forcibly, into the girl's own legs. It was a fairly cruel action, one meant to send the girl's device and tools sprawling across the floor. Nothing but a quick 'oops' would follow from Sable, as she continued on her way, showing none of the malice she had done the action with. Accidents did happen, after all. That would show her for not showing up to say goodbye.