I swear I'm trying to finish it, but I'm going through a period that chaotic is not enough to describe. I rushed most of the background, so it's a little shitty. And it's still incomplete. [hider=Don't Dead, Open Inside] [center] [u][b]Name[/b][/u] Guthrak Stonewill [u][b]Age[/b][/u] 32 [u][b]Gender[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Race[/b][/u] Human [u][b]Class/Specialization[/b][/u] Warrior/Reaver [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u] [u][b]Abilities[/b][/u] [color=fff200][b][u]Warrior[/u][/b] [b][u]Intimidation:[/u][/b] (passive) Guthrak's posture and appearance are enough to make even seasoned soldiers think twice before engaging him. Having his spiked armor and his spiked knuckles makes them downright scared of doing so, decreasing their accuracy and damage. [b][u]Body Slam:[/u][/b] (active) Guthrak charges a great distance and slams on an enemy, knocking him down. If wearing his spiked armor he deals extra damage and frigthen enemies around him. Light and heavy armor allows him to run a greater distance, heavy and massive armor increase the damage even further. [b][u]Indomitable:[/u][/b] (passive) Through massive amounts of willpower and an overly strong body, Guthrak cannot be knocked down, knocked back or stunned. [/color] [color=ed1c24][b][u]Reaver[/u][/b] [b][u]Rampage:[/u][/b] (active) Channeling his inner fury, the Reaver becomes a devasting force, dealing bonus damage with his attacks, attacking faster and healing each time an enemy is hit. [b][u]Frightening Appearance:[/u][/b] (passive) Guthrak's appearance make enemies even more afraid of him, increasing the debuffs from Intimidation. (active) Aided by the demonic powers of the dragon blood Guthrak stares down an enemy, using his unsettling countenance as a weapon. Enemies who look at his face while he does so cower in fear. Can't be used with a helmet. [b][u]Devour:[/u][/b] (active) Guthrak hits an enemy, not only hitting his body, but also reaching into its soul and absorbing part of its life energy, healing himself and dealing extra damage based on how wounded he is. [/color] [u][b]Origin[/b][/u] Guthrak grew up in a poor family in a small violent city. From an early age he had to resort to crime to survive. Never being prone to sneaking and pickpocketing, he followed the violent route, earning quite a reputation for himself. Which forced him to leave his home for the security of the ones who lived with him. Or, as he would describe, led him to being kicked out after trying to provide them with a decent living. With nowhere to go, Guthrak became more aggressive and willing to take a life. He left his home town and headed towards Denerim's slums. In there he met more than a few low lifes who, intimidated by his violence, would follow his orders most of the time, becoming a small gang of criminals. Soon enough, they gained their gruesome fame as the Crimson Hand, a disorganized crew of bloodthirsty bandits. Within a year, the small organization had several allegiances with other groups. Particularly with a crew of apostate mages, led by a Blood Mage named Aemon. Aemon and Guthrak instantly became friends. Both extremely violent and ambitious men, they got along perfectly. They merged their crews, using Aemon's contacts to get Lyrium and Guthrak's man to deal it, they quickly became quite rich together. One night, when discussing about Aemon's blood powers, Guthrak asked if it were possible for him to reach that sort of power. He was then introduced to blood magic, demonic possessions and one ritual that would grant power for a non-mage similar to the ones of a blood mage. The ritual was held a few days after that. The combination of Aemon's contacts and intel with Guthrak's men resulted in a missing vial of wyvern blood from a cargo meant for the circle of mages. In the following weeks, Aemon and Guthrak spent a great deal of time together praticing their powers with passersby. Guthrak's power grew quickly as he mastered the blood ingested in the demonic ritual, while the people who suddenly went missing began to draw attention to their activities. Three weeks passed, Guthrak was back to business as usual: fighting with his men to put them in line, fighting with his men for fun, organizing an assault or two, and ocasionally scorting a cargo of stolen lyrium. However, during a night calmer than most, the house used as a base for Guthrak and his men was attacked by city guards. Dozens and dozens of armored men broke into the house. Despite the early advantage of the surprise effect, Guathrak's men quickly reacted creating a chaotic battle inside the house. Knowing that his men were at a numerical disadvantage, Guthrak quickly retreated, slaying a few of the guards into his path and then quickly sneaking out. He went straight to Aemon's house, only to find it completely empty and unguarded, with no sings of fight. Guthrak suspected that he had been betrayed by his friend, but couldn't afford to linger around to find out. With nothing but his armor, his knucles and a small bag of coins, he sneaked out of town in direction of anohter big city: Kirkwall. [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] [u][b]Other[/b][/u] [/center] [/hider]