[center] [h1][b][color=A280FF]Lisa Martinez[/color][/b] & [b][color=00FF1E]Amado Cortez[/color][/b][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/mqdDKLP.jpg[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/ZhzN4RI.jpg[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Dock 32A, near Helicopter [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Amado (NPC), Nyt - [@Din], Mercury - [@Gilgex], Marcus - [@Pundii], Light - [@Archmage MC], Mattias - [@LPFan], Alexandra - [@Chickn], Jennifer - [@Framing A Moose], Edwina - [@Morose], Jackson - [@FrozenEcstasy], Daphne - [@FantasyChic], Spencer(s) - [@Heathen], Aja - [@Endrance][/center][hr] Once Jackson asked Lisa if they had the resources to track down missing people, Lisa scoffed and looked towards him. [color=A280FF][b]"Hon, if we managed to find [i]you[/i] guys, I'm pretty sure we can find just about [i]anyone.[/i]"[/b][/color] She said with a soft smile. Once Mercury returned, Lisa frowned once she heard him say that he couldn't bring him back. [b][color=A280FF]"Oh... that's fine."[/color][/b] She said softly, nodding. [b][color=A280FF]"Thanks anyways."[/color][/b] She said with a soft smile before hearing someone else step up. She set her eyes upon Daphne, to which she smiled. [b][color=A280FF]"Oh, hey Daphne! Better late than never."[/color][/b] She said with a friendly smile. [b][color=A280FF]"I'm Lisa Martinez, I'm the one who sent the letter."[/color][/b] She introduced herself. [b][color=A280FF]"And this is Amado. He's gonna be piloting the helicopter tonight."[/color][/b] She introduced Amado, to which he gave a nod and a soft smile. [b][color=A280FF]"I just got done going over what was going on. We're part of the Powerbound Alliance, a group of supernatural beings that seek to purge evil from and bring good into the world. We have a vast amount of resources at our disposal, and we have an insane amount of cash, so you will all be reimbursed properly. We live up in the Sanctuary, were you guys will be boarded at until further notice. While you guys will have access to all of the food, internet and stuff you guys like, as well as shit tons of cash, our missions that we undertake are extremely dangerous and very often life threatening."[/color][/b] She then turned to everyone else. [b][color=A280FF]"The type of people we will be up against are more often than not going to be criminals, terrorists and maybe even a government organization or two. We may be facing off against supernaturals who use their powers for evil, and we may go into some extremely dangerous areas. Our Sanctuary is also located near a small mountain village in Colombia, so... yeah."[/color][/b] She said to everyone as she gestured to Amado. Behind her, Amado got inside the helicopter and opened up one of the doors, revealing a nice airliner-styled cabin inside. He then climbed up to the front and began operating it. [b][color=A280FF]"Right now this is your last chance to leave! After this, there is no turning back!"[/color][/b] Lisa warned, gesturing to the helicopter behind her. [b][color=A280FF]"If you're willing to put your life on the line and live in nearly complete solitude with us for the greater good, in exchange for lots of money, food, and a great shelter, I suggest you board this helicopter if you have agreed to the terms and conditions!"[/color][/b] Lisa shouted as the helicopter was starting to power up behind her, gesturing to the open door, allowing people to board the helicopter. [b][color=A280FF]"If you don't agree, I suggest you turn back now!"[/color][/b]