[@timelord1101][@Mimic] Clay didn't like this, the way this man stared at him, the way he spoke, the way he moved, and it wasn't just his slight jealousy that had him on edge. It unnerved something instinctual in him. Clay lived in a life where every interaction was a struggle for power, one way or another. Be it intimidation, leverage, hidden cards or whatever, everyone was part of the pecking order and had their place in the food chain wether they liked it or not. The art was knowing where. Clay was an intimidating rough man, but this Zyrid man, this man stood neutral, unfazed, not intimidated by Clay at all. Nor did he try to exert his position. Clay stood up tall, puffing out his chest letting his casual visage fall away behind Alex's back. His eyes briefly caught on her form before focusing back on Zyrid and narrowing to match the serious intent and tone of his following words. [i]"Zyrid hey, so let me ask you straight and get this out the way before we play introductions. You come here to cause trouble?"[/i]