[center][color=99ccff][h3]Edwina Fairfax[/h3][/color][img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/d8ad289421ff3755f7c6c5dd130c0e48/tumblr_mvhk1fa2a41qbvwm8o2_250.gif[/img] Location: Dock 32A by the helicopter --> inside the helicopter Interacting With: Armando and Lisa [@AbandonedIntel][/center][hr][hr]Eddie grinned, flashing a smile. [color=99ccff]"Let's do this!"[/color] Climbing into the helicopter, Eddie quickly found a seat in the back, but one where she was able to look out as they went. Squirming a bit with excitement, she could hardly believe it was happening. This was it. A chance for her to actually give back, beyond traveling to random countries and playing the victim in order to take down a few low level thugs. This was it--her destiny awaited her. Finishing off her energy drink and blasting music through her headphones, Eddie settled in for what she was certain would be an extremely long flight. It wasn't like they were going just one or two states over -- [i]they were going to Colombia![/i] [i]At least it's not Brazil,[/i] she chuckled to herself.