Nation Name: The Kingdom of Acheona Head of State: King Bernhart Van Siegmund Head of Government: Prime Minister Josef Mahler Demonym: Achean Brief Description: Founded nearly 900 years ago by Siegmund, brother of Wolfram, the kingdom of Acheona has strived for dominance both on land and at sea. Sharing strong cultural ties to their brother nation (whatever lone’s nation is called inserted here), they have had a strong political relationship over the past several hundred years. This strong cultural connection has lead to a strong sense of patriotism among the people of the empire and a flourishing trade between both nations. However as time progresses forward, the future of their alliance remains uncertain. Despite strong roots in a traditional monarchy, as time has progressed so has the Achean government. Though Bernhart Van Siegmund remains the dominant voice in political and local affairs, the people have been granted some rights mostly in an attempt to delay any sense of democratic revolution that may come forward. This means an elected parliament and a prime minister.