[@Dark Light][@timelord1101] Zyrid smiled an understanding smile. It wasn't all together friendly, nor was it the least bit threatening. You see, he simply understood completely now. He had met many men like this one, minus of course the moon curse, on previous incursions into the material plane. It wasn't often that they instigated violence, despite their violent nature, as Zyrid always found himself to be a good mediator between aggression and survival. This one had not yet learned that Zyrid was not someone he could drag down or pipe up, neither was Zyrid a floor for him to stamp his heavy boots upon. No, Zyrid was a great wall, endless in every directional sense. Many forces, both meager and mighty, had attempted to sway him before now, it was exceedingly rare that they accomplished this idiotic goal. A handful of such powers have found their way past his intricate stonework, but only those he found worthy. Others have battered at his side for so long and with such merciless vigor that he has had no choice but to crush them, but it seemed that this one before him would be none of those. Status - a strange thing that these mortal societies craved. A hunger so drawn out and insubstantial that even those who see through it can stumble blindly into its adhesive hold. This Lycan sought only to stand above, to look down from a higher pedestal. There was something else though, a fondness perhaps, or at least a hint of one, twisted into an anger that few can resist - jealousy had infected this mans mind. It was small now, but infections can grow. The man had asked Zyrid a question and so he answered, as plainly as he had asked before. [color=662d91]"I did not force myself through the eternal black, enduring a worlds worth of pain, to cause trouble here, no." [/color]Zyrid had a hint of confusion on his face as he responded, coupled with an eager smile, one that invited speculation of sarcasm or perhaps mockery. However, Zyrid meant nothing of the sort, he simply found the mortal mind a complex but amusing thing at times. After a brief pause, long enough for the Lycan to compute his words but not so long that he had time to conceive an appropriate response, Zyrid took a short step forward with his right foot, following with his left, both planted beneath his shoulders. He reached into the air suddenly, a spectral aura of purple and orange flames writhing across his right hand, smoke trails falling from his fingers into the air. Zyrid brought his thumb and index finger together to pinch the breeze, an extreme tension vibrating through his muscles and tendons. In that moment a Crystal ring, decorated with a bright golden gem at its tip, disappeared from the mantel downstairs in a small puff of smoke, and reanimated in Zyrid's grip. Still looking at the Lycan, Zyrid placed the ring upon his splayed left hand delicately, his middle finger to be specific, then gave the arm a hefty shake. Screwing his shoulders back and stretching slightly, Zyrid felt the boost in power as the ring flushed its energy upon him. Giving a small glance back to the woman, Zyrid smiled like a boy does when he thinks himself impressive, his eyes flashing blue for a moment as the ring finished its transaction, then returned his gaze to the Lycan. [color=662d91]"Now,"[/color] He said, rolling his right fingers between his left, cupping them behind his muscular back. Zyrid looked intensely into the Lycan's eyes, piercing their facade until he was staring into the exceptional eyes of the wolf [color=662d91]"Shall we play introductions?".[/color]